home design trends concept

2021 Home Design Trends You Might Want to Try

The COVID-19 pandemic’s effects were so powerful that they had an impact even on the home design industry. While no one asked for these results, the only thing left to do is embrace them. After all, the pandemic isn’t over yet, and there’s no telling when stay-at-home orders will be permanently lifted.

These trending home designs are here to stay mainly because they’re the very improvements that helped many people cope with the pandemic. They’re also the same ones that people realized are practical choices post-pandemic, as they reflect people’s shifting priorities.

Regardless of whether you’re renovating to improve your house’s functionality or increase its value before you sell, you’ll find these trends helpful in achieving success.

Home Gyms

With health at the forefront of everybody’s concerns, it’s only natural that many people are opting to install a home gym instead of going to commercial ones. Resorting to this alternative cuts costs in the long run and reduces the risks of contracting the virus.

This is especially true for people who intend to avoid a sedentary lifestyle in 2021. While many offices and commercial places have re-opened, there are more still who are stuck at home with their remote work and distance learning set-up.

Home gyms enable people to work out at a time and place that’s most convenient for them. It also opens opportunities for the rest of the family to start or resume their active lifestyle. The fact that working out is linked not only to physical health, but mental health as well increases the appeal of home gyms.

The great thing about this is that it doesn’t have to be such a big renovation or investment to be functional. You can transform your entire basement, or you can clear out a nook in your living room.

Install a floor-length mirror, line up your exercise equipment, and add décor that motivates you to get moving. Get tools and storage cabinets that suit your existing décor so that they’re not jarring to look at. With all the available options in the market today, you shouldn’t find it difficult to find some that agree with your aesthetic.

Home Offices

It seems like the at-home alternative to commercial spaces should’ve ended with home gyms, but people are taking it a step further by installing their own offices, too. For many reasons, it’s a logical choice. Other families and individuals wouldn’t have had any use for it pre-pandemic, but the outbreak has turned this trend into a necessity.

Home offices give people the privacy they need to focus on work and school despite the barrage of activities around them. You have the children crying, the dog barking, the neighbors chatting in the streets. Sometimes, even wearing noise-canceling headphones isn’t enough to ward off distractions.

Factor in how many people found it difficult to improve their time management skills and be productive in 2020, and it’s easy to see why homes with their own offices are making a comeback.

Enhanced Outdoor Spaces

outdoor space concept

The reduced social activity during the pandemic has led people to spend more time in their patios and backyards. Homeowners finally finished their outdoor grills and used staining rags to bring out the beauty of their deck’s hardwood flooring.

That’s not to mention the growing popularity of gardening. With people realizing the benefits of toiling under the sun and spending leisure time outdoors, there’s been a boost in sales for garden sets and outdoor furniture. It’s not uncommon now to find backyards outfitted with fire pits, small swimming pools, and other equipment aimed for leisure and entertainment.

Some people are also investing in them to hold small private gatherings to reconnect with their friends and family. There’s no shortage of ideas when it comes to creating fun and cozy backyards that people will enjoy, and you’ll find that more and more people are venturing into this to ward off the boredom at home.

Biophilic Design

The great outdoors is so refreshing physically and mentally that people bring it into their homes through nature-inspired designs. The craze over houseplants and vertical gardens isn’t expected to fade in 2021.

With the rising awareness of climate change, people are opting for sustainable furniture and décor to help the environment. There’s a surge in materials like pure textile, salvaged wood, and earth-toned colors. Potted plants occupy windowsills, and the scent of herbs fills kitchens. Other natural elements like water are also making their way indoors through aquariums and small fountains.

Experts predict that there will be renewed interest in florals and patterns involving nature. It could be your curtains, cookware, or china. The increased need to reconnect with nature is likely to draw people to these designs and features more in 2021 and even when the pandemic ends.

More Practical, Less Flashy

The past years’ home design trends tended to be leisurely and often flashy. With the pandemic highlighting what’s really important in people’s lives, the trends have become more practical and natural than ever. It’s a surprising but pleasant turn of events and, hopefully, at the end of this design journey are healthier and happier lives post-pandemic.

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