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Automotive Tech Trends To Watch Out For In 2021

Flying cars may not exist, but modern cars are a thing of the future. They will only get better as various technologies mature. In 2021, we will see a lot of changes as these technologies start to disrupt the industry. Here’s a closer look at what you can expect from cars soon.

Electric Cars Going Big Time

Tesla has become a major name in car circles, and it is not just the tech geeks who are buying it. Electrical cars are performing very well on the market right now, and many expect them to become a dominant force. Major car manufacturers have their electrical cars along with hybrid vehicles. But it still does face challenges, with charging stations becoming a major obstacle. While many electrical car owners can charge at home, they can’t go the distance without needing a charge. Setting up these stations will be the big challenge worldwide as well as what will be powering them.

Learning To Drive Itself

AI has come a long way from playing chess in the 80s. Thanks to modern AI, autonomous vehicles are slowly becoming a reality. There are more than a thousand of these self-driving cars in the US, while the UK is already conducting tests on whether to allow them. Smart vehicles are supposed to allow car owners the chance to relax or even allow the elderly and disabled to own a car of their own. It did take a hit from the 2020 pandemic. But with the millions invested in it, companies are pushing forward with it.

Watching Over The Driver

While AI can drive on its own, it can also do something much easier: monitor the condition of the driver. This can be a good thing. People drive in various states, and this can lead to accidents. Driver monitoring systems use AI to take note of warning signs with how the driving is going on. For example, people can get drowsy and sleepy when they drive. The AI can notice this, and when it does, it notifies the driver so that they can become alert again. It can also record driver behavior. When someone gets into an accident and goes to a law firm for a personal injury case, they will immediately prove that they weren’t at fault.

phone in a car

Keeping Connected

The internet of things is a popular trend nowadays. Various devices are connected to the internet to get additional functionality. The great thing about this is that it can apply to cars, too. One interesting feature of gadgets that follow the internet of things philosophy is that they have a lot of data tied up in them. When you apply this to a car, this means that there is a wealth of data that it can share. From mileage to the current location, there are dozens of applications. For example, with GPS on, your car can trace a path that would pass through the least traffic. This can be a big time-saver for many people. The network can also track individual cars so that there is an accurate picture of the road traffic. With this information, cars can be redirected to the right places to avoid any traffic jams.

Parts On Demand

3D printing is a revolutionary technology that allows for the rapid creation of various items. For the automotive industry, this can mean a revolution in prototyping and fabrication of parts. Industrial 3D printing is not the simple plastic used by hobbyists. A lot of the parts created are from carbon, making them tough and lightweight. They are also corrosion-resistant and can last a long time. Future cars might see custom parts being a part of the package.

Predictive Maintenance

With the software monitoring your car, you have a complete idea of the condition of the various part of your vehicle. This can be a big help in maintenance. Instead of guessing when you exactly need to get parts fixed or taken in for maintenance, the car itself notifies you. The car’s monitors will flag potential problems and give recommendations on what to do. It will even set a date for it.

Cars will only get better as more technologies come out. It has been a slow walk of progress as people are starting to adopt some of these innovations in their driving experience. Those who are in the automotive industry need to adapt to the realities that these technologies can bring, or they will be left in the dust. Learning more about them is important whether you’re a salesman on the showroom floor or the mechanic fixing these vehicles.

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