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Budget-Friendly Ideas to Keep Your Office in Top Shape

It’s not a secret that a clean workplace results in better productivity. Less clutter on your desk and office space gives you fewer chances to be distracted, helping you focus on your work. Not only that, but messy areas can attract unwanted visitors like pests, which isn’t something you want in your home, much less your workplace. If you want to keep your office clean and well-functioning, here are a few tips to do just that.

Set a Cleaning Routine

Creating and maintaining a clean workplace requires effort and consistency. Establish a cleaning schedule that you and your co-workers can follow by setting a daily, weekly, and monthly task list. Your daily list should consist of tasks like taking out the trash, wiping down your keyboard and desks, and cleaning the floor. On the other hand, your weekly list should consist of cleaning break room appliances and clearing out the refrigerator.

Having a routine that you can all follow will keep your office space squeaky clean and won’t feel like too heavy of a chore.

Clean Your Desk

Your desk is your battle station, so it’s important to keep it clean. This includes wiping down your desk every day before leaving, organizing your drawers, and not eating at your desk. One of the most important things to clean up is your keyboard.

The keyboard is probably the most used equipment on your desk. Little do we know that it houses more than 400 times the amount of bacteria than a toilet seat does, and it’s not just one kind of bacteria. Different types of bacteria like E.Coli, pneumonia, salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus (the bacteria that causes stye eye), and norovirus can stay on your keyboard while you’re typing away.

The best way to keep your keyboard free of bacteria is to clean it regularly. You can do this by following these steps:

  • Start by unplugging your keyboard.
  • Flip your keyboard and tap the back lightly to let loose dirt fall out.
  • Use a cotton swab with alcohol to clean around each key. Put enough alcohol on the swab to make it damp, not dripping.
  • If there is any debris stuck between the keys of your keyboard, remove them by using a toothpick.
  • Clean the top and sides of your keyboard using a cloth dampened with alcohol, then let it dry.
  • Once your keyboard is dry, do one last wipe with a lint-free cloth to remove any remaining dust.

Don’t Buy It if You Don’t Need It

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You don’t need 20 pens, 5 notepads, and 8 highlighters on your desk. Consider how many of the office supplies you actually need and only place those on your desk. If you have any extra supplies, keep them in a drawer and lend them to co-workers who might need them. Don’t hoard and keep the clutter on your desk to a minimum. You’ll be able to avoid accumulating more dust in your workspace, and you’ll have fewer distractions too.

Make Sure Everything Works as It Should

If you want to spend less money on repairs, make sure that none of your equipment will ever need them. If your office has loose drawers, torn rugs, malfunctioning appliances, and other issues, it might make your workplace seem old and broken down. Keeping all of your equipment in check can prevent costly repairs, and a lot of repair jobs can be done even without a professional. If you have any electronic equipment that needs to stay cool to function properly, like equipment used in a server room, consider having an air conditioner installed to keep temperatures at bay.

Go Paperless

Clutter comes from paper materials: printed e-mails, receipts, forms, etc. Cutting down on the amount of paper you use in the office can help make office cleaning easier, save you money, and help out the environment. Try using apps and programs like Google Drive and One Drive to store your files online. Storing your files online is just as secure as storing them in cabinets (if you’re careful) and can make it easier to organize and share with others.

Keep Your Air Clean

Improving the air quality in the office can help keep your office clean and provide a healthier environment for you and your co-workers. Plants can help do this by absorbing carbon dioxide and converting it into oxygen, and they absorb pollutants. Aside from adding a few plants to the office, have your air filters replaced regularly. If you’re not a fan of plants and the responsibility of taking care of them, consider using an air purifier.

Maintaining a clean and functioning workplace takes quite a bit of effort, but the work is worth the benefits you’ll get in return. With a cleaner and healthier work environment, you’ll be able to avoid pests and rodents, all while maxing out everyone’s productivity and motivation.

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