man sitting by his desk

Challenges for the New Year: Focusing on Starting a Business in 2021

You may be facing many challenges in 2021. One of them can be the stress that the pandemic brought last year. Since everything closed, life as you know it may have changed, and you can’t do much about things you’re passionate about.

If you’re passionate about business this year, you should start it. It might be difficult becoming a consultant for branding or a marketing assistant. But like everything else in this world, you — and a lot of other people — have the tools and means to overcome the current situation if you really want to.

Many business ideas could work in 2021, even during the pandemic. First off, you need to know which ones will and how to get started with them.

Why 2021?

There have been those who said that 2021 is the year for starting new companies, and they aren’t wrong. Most small businesses thrive during times of duress. Recessions have given way to companies like Microsoft and structures like the first Hyatt hotel, partly because everything tends to be cheaper. Uber and the rental app Airbnb also opened during recessions.

The only difference of today’s businesses is that they operate mostly in cyberspace. The digital world is expanding, and usually, no amount of recession or troubles can dent small businesses found mostly on the web. Here are some small businesses you can launch this year.


This is not just consultancy, but an online consultancy. Online businesses have been booming since the pandemic started because they don’t need you to be there personally. Aside from that, they are easy to maintain and only require you to have a messaging app for face-to-face interactions.

If you have knowledge and expertise on certain subjects and are passionate about a certain topic or a niche that no one’s capitalized on yet, you can start a consultancy. It’s a good business to have, especially during the pandemic when people are looking for information without going out. You can start on your own, then expand as your business grows.

business owner

Online Selling

If online consultancies aren’t your thing, then perhaps online selling? You may source many products online, ranging from food to items that people need in their homes. You’re going to need a supplier for this and the most focused dedication. If you’ve got the time for it, why not try it out?

There are online platforms already available that will act as a store or kiosk to display your products. Potential buyers can go here, and they may choose from what you’re selling. It could quite possibly start as a side-business, which could quickly turn into a full-time enterprise if you do it correctly.

Online Tutorials

If you’re not into consultancy, you can try online tutorials. These two online business ideas have similarities. The difference is that you’re more of a ‘teacher’ than a consultant here. You’re teaching people who want to learn things, rather than helping them with items they want advice on.

These tutorials range from different subjects in school, like Math, History, Science, or Geology, to extra-curricular activities, such as guitar playing, ballet basics, or sketching. The great thing here is that both of you don’t need to leave your home to meet up for the lesson; you fire up your laptops, turn on the camera, and you can have your lessons in the safety of your homes.

Middleman Courier Service

Since online shopping and businesses on the web are big right now, courier services have experienced a demand. When online shops deliver goods, courier services are there to pick up the packages and deliver them to their intended recipient.

You can act as a middleman for these shops in a process called drop shipping. Alternatively, you can also manage a courier service and act as a delivery man for these online companies. With your vehicle, you’ll be taking the packages from an online seller and drop these at the home of a buyer.

If you’ve got the will, the interest, and the drive, you can start an online business during the pandemic. Remember to take the time to study your intended profession before you begin shopping online. There are many online ideas out there — which one will become your small business is up to you.

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