a living room with a television

Designing a New Entertainment Space: 3 Things You Need To Know

Spaces for entertainment and socializing like the living room are, arguably, the most visible part of your home. It’s the first thing guests see when they walk through your front door, and it helps people form an impression of what the rest of your house will look and feel like. Is it warm and inviting? Can you imagine yourself kicking your feet up on the couch and spending time there comfortably? With living rooms, first impressions count, so it matters how you present yours.

Remodeling your living room to fit your vision of comfort is not easy, as there are so many factors to consider: paint colors, furniture placements, and extra decor like plants and lights, to name a few. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work that needs to be done, so we’ve come up with a nifty guide that will help you make better decisions before you roll up your sleeves and get started.

1. Finalize your budget

Remodeling isn’t going to be the most expensive thing you do in your adult life, but it’s not exactly cheap, either. Keep in mind that you have other things to pay for around the house as well, like bills and rent or a mortgage. If you live with other people in the house, you’ll have to think about their food and utilities as well. Remodeling takes more than just a fresh coat of paint — if you’re planning on getting better lighting or more shelf space for some plants, you have to think about how much you’re willing to spend.

A priority you have to keep in mind is the amount of construction work you’re planning for your new entertainment space. Are you planning on tearing a wall down? Having a large bookshelf installed? Or what about new window installation?

The amount of construction work required will define whatever else needs to be done around it, so ensure you have a set budget with a bit of wiggle room for extra expenses. Nothing is ever set in stone with remodeling, so allow some extra cash to come into your budget just in case the need arises.

2. Set a realistic timeline

Big home improvement projects like remodeling will take time. And it isn’t just a matter of a few days or even weeks — remodeling can take months to finish, especially if you want good quality work. Projects like this can have a few delays: construction supplies can get shipped late, electrical wiring needs some extra work done, and work might have to get rescheduled for many reasons. Ask yourself if you are willing to spend time on this.

A tip that most people who have had their living rooms remodeled is to triple the time they expect the project to be finished. A full paintover can take a few days, but switching out flooring or replacing windows might take a whole lot longer. Always consider the time you want to give this project, as rushing it will always result in shoddy work. Slow and steady will always win this race.

person renovating a room

3. It’s your home at the end of the day

If you’re going to remodel, you will have to work with a contractor. Sure, the contractor will know which upgrades will be best to keep with the integrity of your home’s structure, but make sure to let your personal choices be heard as well. At the end of the day, this is still your home, so if you want marble floors or that floor-to-ceiling shelf, let them know.

Just keep in mind: the changes you want to apply to the project must stay cosmetic. Sometimes, the materials you want might not fit in with the rest of your home’s structure, and it is also the contractor’s job to point out which choices won’t do well on a functional scale. Share your vision, and listen when they have suggestions, too. Remember: you and your contractor are on the same team here, so communication about the materials you want is key.

A final word

These three considerations are important when it comes to big home improvement projects. Your budget, timing, and the materials you want will play big roles in determining how your living room will end up looking. It’s easy to get lost in the number of things to consider, but always seek an expert’s advice before jumping into it. Remember your vision for your space, plan carefully, and never rush anything.

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