
Freelancing: What Essential Equipment Should I Use?

With several industries facing the brunt of their assets in a global recession, most employers are forced to lay off the majority of their workers to buy time to gain traction again. But for the most part, highly-skilled workers will need to find other sources of income after being laid off from their positions.

With most individuals being forced to stay at home for their safety, online industries that thrive off remote work have seen a spike in activities. The majority of the workforce in these industries come in the form of freelancing. There are approximately 53 million freelancers who have been using the internet as a source of income.

Compared to working in a corporate environment, going freelance means that you’ll need to make a name. In most cases, you won’t have a team that you can rely on, and you’ll have to do all the heavy lifting.

But when it comes to the upside of working as a freelancer, you have time to yourself while working in a variety of different environments. That is as opposed to sitting in front of your desk in the four walls of the office. Also, freelancers are known for earning a fair amount of fortune, with freelance writers in the United States earning around $63,488 in 2019 alone.

But just like when you are setting up for a business, you will have to invest in your equipment and make the necessary preparations.

Negotiating With Your Client and prepare

First and foremost, your clients will be your primary source of revenue. Most of the time, freelancers will have more than one client. That helps promote good time-management skills and multi-tasking abilities as you juggle between different industries.

  • Resume and CV — Your resume will determine your qualifications. Clients will use this to gauge your experiences and capabilities as a writer.
  • Rates and Quotes — It’s essential to know your quotes and rates. Naturally, entry-level workers will have lower rates than those who have more experience. There are several instances that clients won’t pay for the work that you’ve done. The general rule of thumb is you should get half of the payment upfront. The other half of the invoice should be given once the entire workload is done.
  • Mutual Agreements — You must fill out a contract with your employer before you do start working. The contract should explicitly define the scope and nature of your work, and it should also determine the amount of workload that you will need to do in a certain amount of time.
  • Payment Methods — The payment method should be discussed right before any contract signing. There are a variety of payment platforms that freelancers use; this includes PayPal, Payoneer, or even direct-to-bank transfers.

If ever disputes do arise from your interaction with your clients and employers, you might want to employ experts in employment law mediation. The relationship between a freelancer and their client is one of cooperation and mutual respect. A part of it is receiving full compensation for your services.

The Right Equipment

It’s crucial for every freelancer and sole contractor that you get the necessary equipment and tools for your work. Here’s what you’ll need when you’re providing your services:

business womanHome Office

Contrary to what most people say, it’s important to compartmentalize and utilize several areas of your home. Having your home office can help improve your efficiency and productivity.

You’ll need :

  • Desktop — Your desktop will be the cornerstone of your everyday operations. Businesses and transactions are usually done through your desktop.
  • Applications — This could range from photo editing software to content management systems. There’s a lot of software that you can use in the market and can be easily downloaded online.
  • Emergency Power Supply — There will be times that power interruptions can affect the progress and quality of your work. Having an emergency power supply can help save much-needed work that would otherwise be erased when your desktop abruptly turns itself off.

Remote Office

One of the advantages of working freelance online is that you can work anywhere that you’ll like. But when you are traveling and working simultaneously, you might have to invest in a portable office.

  • Laptop — Most of the time, people would suggest getting a durable laptop that can last five to eight years. Apple’s MacBooks are known for surviving more than five to eight years. If you’re on a budget, any laptop will do.
  • Mobile Device — Your phone will be your direct line of communication with your client. If any urgent tasks have to be done, you can keep track of it through mobile applications.
  • Traveling Equipment — There are a variety of different bags that you can use when you’re traveling. Still, it’s recommended to use bags that are tailored towards your laptop and traveling, such as Herschel’s brand of backpacks. It’s also best to have water-resistant bags to keep your equipment dry and safe.

Overall, setting up your own home and remote office as a freelancer is crucial in ensuring that you’ll have a fully-functional workspace. Although you might have to spend a fair amount of funds for this type of set-up, investing in your equipment can help gain traction in your career as a freelancer.

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