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Great Reasons to Actually Live in Baguio

Everyone is at least somewhat familiar with Baguio. As the summer capital of the Philippines, many have visited the city during the warmest of summers—seeking an escape to the cool. If you’ve visited at least once or twice in your life, you’ve probably wondered what it was like to live there all year round. With many beautiful Baguio apartments for sale, it’s certainly a prospect that’s a strong possibility. Here are great experiences to be found in Baguio that many residents already experience—that you can possibly enjoy yourself.

Shop at night

Many of the ukay ukay stores eventually have their stock make its way to Baguio. Harrison Street, in particular, sees a huge night market crop up when the sun sets. This happens nearly every night from 9 in the evening all the way up to midnight. All manner of second hand clothes and shoes and a whole lot of other deals and bargains, clog the streets—offering options for shoppers. It takes some digging to find something that’s nearly good as new, but it’s certainly a worthwhile bargain hunt that gives you much more affordable clothes.

Buy fresh

fresh produce

If you think that you’ve caught fresh produce at your Metro Manila market, you haven’t seen anything yet. Much of what you enjoy is actually sourced from Baguio’s many farms. It stands to reason, then that the Baguio City Public Market is where you can get just about the freshest produce that you can get. These you can usually find stocked high and packed thick in the many stalls of the market. It’s very rare that you need to rush to purchase what you need—there’s always going to be somewhere carrying the produce that you need—usually near the best Baguio apartment for sale.

Jam out

There’s a popular local band called Session Road, and there’s a very good reason that they took that name. The eponymous main road in Baguio is the site of many a night party even today. You are immediately bombarded by the music of many different genres—all playing in many different bars and hangout spots. There’s so much to choose from that caters to many different tastes that you’re spoilt for choice when it comes to night enjoyment. Many even say it beats Malate in terms of diversity.

Get fit

Baguio’s Burnham Park is still the go to place to hang out, relax, and even jog. There’s even rowing on the waters in the park for those so inclined. It’s a great spot to get some exercise in. However, Baguio’s many winding roads that wend up through the mountains. These give excellent lanes for more serious runners and joggers to challenge themselves against. Of course, as these are roads, you need to be more careful when you go for a run.

There’s something for everyone in Baguio that makes it a worthwhile place to live in. Great climate, modern conveniences, and even beautiful accommodations all combine to provide potential residents with all that they need to live a comfortable life. If you always felt you left your heart in Baguio, why not go back for it—then stay for good.

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