sustainable living

Green Living: An Eco-friendly Guide to a New Lifestyle

In a perfect world, global warming, climate change, pollution, and other environmental issues would have been myths. Everyone would be participating and doing their part to conserve energy and save the planet. Sadly, we get a different, harsher reality.

Most people do not realize that we are slowly killing our homes and the next generation who will inherit them in contributing to the damage done to our environment. We only have this planet to take care of. And no. There is neither a planet B nor a plan B.

Adopting a green lifestyle is not new. In its simplest form, green living consists of lifestyle choices and practices that help reduce our planet’s negative impact. However, due to misconceptions about it, eyebrows continue to rise.

The Green Switch

The benefits of green living centre around saving our environment, and the rest fall perfectly into their place. With the outbreak of coronavirus, people started seeing the importance of taking care of our environment. We learned, the difficult way, that whatever we put out there will always find its way back to haunt us.


One of the most important and obvious benefits of green living is its massive impact on improving our environment, particularly in curbing climate change and slowing down the consumption of our natural resources. By committing and sticking to your practice, regulating your water and energy usage, or simply using eco bags instead of plastic, a small act can go a long way. It’s important to know that our natural resources are disappearing quickly, and in the past 50 years, it only continues to grow. That’s why the need to recycle is vital to slow down this dire state.


One gain for going green is its financial benefits, especially on lowering utility bills through energy and water efficiency. Homeowners and building developers could also expect an increase in their property value. Consulting with an estate agent with specific green expertise and credentials such as the National Association of Realtors Green Designation and LEED Green Association Certification will give you a better valuation for your property.


Green buildings also pride themselves on having and bringing a positive social impact to each individual. Researchers from Harvard’s Center of Health and Global Environment found that health and cognitive functions are significantly higher in green building conditions than conventional states.

Features and Improvements to Consider

greenhouseIn terms of family, health, and security, giving our 100% in providing them the best is incontestable. So, just what features qualify a greenhouse? Here are what you need to consider:

  1. The building

A sustainable and energy-efficient green home starts by using eco-friendly and high-quality materials for your insulation, walls, and so on. This strategy helps you have a more comfortable home and an added layer of protection for your family’s health.

  1. Heating and cooling systems

Upgrading your HVAC systems with more affordable and highly efficient low-carbon heating is a good investment. A tankless water heater can also provide heat to the home without hurting the environment and your wallet.

There are numerous options available now in the market. So make sure to choose the best one that fits your needs and the environment.

  1. Solar features

The sun is the primary source of energy for almost all living and non-living things on earth. Using and taking advantage of this natural resource in our favour is beneficial for all of us and everything that comes around. Make sure to locate specific home features strategically, so you get the most of them. Properly designed windows, skylights, and other features maximize the use of the sun’s energy, natural light, and heat. For example, windows facing south will provide light and warmth to our homes during the day.

  1. Eco-friendly materials

Going past the materials used in constructing and designing your green home, it’s also essential to use custom house plans that support sustainable materials. Bamboo is a favourite among green homes as it is recyclable and fast-growing.

Switching to a greener life can be laborious, but nothing is more rewarding at the end of the day than seeing your family safe, healthy, and comfortable from all the efforts it has put you through. Thus, adopting a greener lifestyle more critical now than ever before.

Fortunately, living a sustainable lifestyle is now more accessible and has been made possible. Energy-efficient and eco-friendly materials are now available, recycling is possible, and even convenient and safe products for our environment are accessible. Protecting our homes — our house, our planet, and our minds — is imperative as we only get to live in them once in this lifetime.

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