business woman

How to Break These Four Bad Habits at Work

They say that we can’t please everyone. True enough, there will always be someone who is not fond of the things we do. It may be their own internal issue, but let’s face it — we can all be a little annoying sometimes. No matter how poised or composed you are as a person, you may have bad habits that are wrecking your relationships and your productivity.

Sometimes we are aware of our bad habits, but often, they go about unnoticed. We all have to examine our behavior and spot things that are taking a toll on us and the people we work with. Here are some bad habits that we have at work and how we can break them:


With our busy schedules and demanding bosses, multitasking might seem like a good idea. How else will you get all your work done, right? But did you know that only two percent of people can multitask effectively? The “lucky ones,” or so we like to call them, can get everything done properly and quickly even while working on them simultaneously. The other 98%, on the other hand, end up impairing their productivity more.

Multitasking might seem like you’re working your butt off in the office. But what you’re really doing is feeding your procrastination. Instead of doing everything simultaneously, focus on one task at a time. Organize your schedule and allocate a duration for each item on your to-do list. A better habit to build in place of multitasking is effective time management.

Accepting all the work

It’s a natural occurrence for employees to say yes to work given by their bosses. That’s the case even if they know that they’ve got a lot on their plate. It’s owing to the sense of obligation, first of all. And maybe there’s also a slight desire to prove oneself and gain a superior’s approval. But employees who do this tend to bite off more than they can chew.

In reality, bosses don’t care how much work you finish. What matters to them is how well tasks are accomplished. They want good results, not speedy ones. Before accepting more work, take a realistic standpoint. Determine if you actually have the time and means to accomplish what they’re giving you. And most importantly, don’t promise turn around dates you know you can’t meet.

“Working lunch”

If you work in a busy office, you’re familiar with the “working lunches.” That’s what office workers say to refer to eating lunch and working at the same time. Again, multitasking isn’t effective. If you think about it, how much work are you actually accomplishing while biting into your burger, taking a sip of soda, and wiping your hands with a napkin? The answer: little to none.

It’s important to take a breather from work. No matter how many tasks you have to accomplish, take a few minutes to enjoy your food. This will help refresh your mind and energy so that you can sustain working for an entire afternoon. Plus, lend the commercial cleaning service a hand by not attracting pests to your work station!


Front view of two angry businesspeople using computers

An office setting is an ocean of stress and fatigue. Everyone’s busy, irritable, and exhausted. But some people can manage it better than others. Nobody likes a pessimist in the office. The workload is overwhelming enough, and your coworkers don’t need someone adding weight to the burden.

As much as possible, keep a positive attitude in the office no matter how stressed you feel. Encourage your coworkers and lighten up their mood instead of discouraging them and draining their energy. Plus, pessimistic employees are less likely to get promoted. Let that sink in.

Some of the things on this list may seem normal to you. “Everyone is doing it” might be your excuse. But these small, often unnoticeable habits can take a toll on your physical and mental well-being.

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