Moving to a new home

How to Choose the Best Home for Families with Kids

House hunting can be trickier if you have kids or are planning to have them in the future. Learn the factors that you need to consider when looking for a house with kids in mind.

Are you looking for a house and land package around the Donnybrook area? Before you go house-hunting, here are some tips to help you make the best decision for your family:

1. Have your kids tag along

It may sound like a hassle, but having your kids tag along during house-hunting is a great way to narrow down your options. They can give you insights about the houses you visit, and even offer ideas that you’ve never even thought of. It will also help them accept the fact that you’re moving. If they are reluctant to leave your old house behind, showing them a new home can make the whole transition more manageable.

2. Research about child-friendly amenities in the area

The first thing you should look into is the best schools in the area. Is the area a high-ranking school district? Do they have good public schools that are within your budget? How about pre-schools and daycare centres? These are the questions you must ask yourself while looking for a new home. Other amenities such as playgrounds, parks, after-school activities, libraries, etc. can come second, but should also be included in your research.

3. Assess the risks

Family in the living roomFor families with very young children, safety is a top priority. When touring, assess if the house is safe and secure. Does it have a fence? Are there any open staircases that pose a fall hazard? Does the property have pools or ponds that kids can fall into? More importantly, can the house be easily child-proofed? If these risks cannot be easily and affordably mitigated, move on to the next potential house.

4. Consider the future

Your kids won’t stay little forever, so don’t get too caught up in choosing a perfect house for your babies. Think about the future, too, especially if you plan on having more kids. If so, choose a bigger house that can accommodate the number of kids you plan to have. Does the house have enough bedrooms? When they grow up, do they have enough storage space? Can your property fit more cars for your future teenagers? Long-term planning will make sure you don’t have any regret in the future.

5. Don’t rush into it

When choosing a new house, it’s crucial to not play into your emotions. Yes, that three-bedroom Victorian house with the patio out back is perfect, but it doesn’t fit your budget. That modern colonial at the top of the hill is beautiful, too, but it’s too far from the school. When you look into houses, consider all angles and factors first. Take the time to stew in your decision-making, so you will not make a decision that you will regret in the future.

Finally, it is recommended that you save up more than enough money to put down on the house. If you wait until you are in a great financial place, you are less likely to face problems in the future.

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