woman putting carpet in a house

How to Stage a Brand New Home Before Selling

  • Home staging is the art of preparing a property for sale by making it look its best.
  • Benefits of home staging include creating a positive first impression and selling faster and for a higher price.
  • Tips for staging a brand-new home include prioritizing important rooms, decluttering and cleaning, and highlighting the best features.
  • Staging a home takes time and effort, but the return on investment can be well worth it.

Selling a brand-new home can be exciting, but it’s not always easy. Many home sellers make the mistake of thinking that their new home will sell itself, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Staging the property is one of the best ways to attract potential buyers and ensure your home sells fast and for the best possible price. Here are some tips for staging a brand-new home and ensuring your property stands out to potential buyers.

What is Home Staging?

At its core, home staging refers to the art of preparing a property for sale by making it look its best. This can involve several tactics, such as decluttering, improving lighting, rearranging furniture, and even minor repairs or upgrades. Home staging aims to showcase a property’s best features, create a feeling of warmth and comfort, and ultimately attract more buyers.

Key Benefits of Home Staging

One of the most significant benefits of home staging is that it helps create a positive first impression on potential buyers. By showcasing your property’s best features and highlighting its unique style, you can make it easier for buyers to picture themselves living there.

Another advantage of home staging is that it can help sell your house faster and for a better price. According to ASP, (Association of Staging Professionals), staged homes sell 88% faster and for 20% more money.

Home Staging Tips

When it comes to home staging, there are several tips you can follow. Here are a few suggestions:

Prioritize important rooms

cozy bedroom interior

Often, buyers make decisions based on the first impression they get from essential rooms. And the bedroom is one of the most important rooms buyers pay attention to. This is why you need to exert extra effort in staging this area.

Make sure the bed is neatly made, and the mattress is clean. If necessary, invest in a new mattress from a reputable mattress clearance center near you. They can help you find the perfect mattress that fits your budget and ensure that you sell your home fast.

Declutter and clean

Before staging your brand-new home, the first thing you need to do is to get rid of any clutter. While you may not have lived in the property, the mess can still accumulate, whether from the builders or your belongings.

Remove any unnecessary items, like boxes, old furniture, and decorations. The next step is to clean your home thoroughly; dust surfaces, clean kitchens and bathrooms, and vacuum carpets and floors.

Highlight the best features

A brand-new home usually has excellent features like gleaming hardwood floors, large windows, or a spacious open-plan layout. You want to showcase these features to potential buyers, so they can see your home’s value. Make sure to declutter around each element, make them the focal point of the room, and let natural light in whenever possible.

Furnishing and decoration

You may have noticed that show or model homes are more appealing than new, empty homes. That’s because they are staged with furniture and stylish decor that entices the buyers. If you’re selling your brand new home, it’s a good idea to produce it with furniture and decor.

You don’t need to go all out, but adding key pieces that complement the style of your home can make a big difference. Make sure to choose modern and neutral colors that suit most people’s tastes, and avoid personal items or anything that may offend potential buyers.

Create curb appeal

man mowing the lawn aerial view

The exterior of your home is as important as the interior. Buyers will usually form an opinion of your property before even stepping inside, so you want to ensure they’re impressed. Ensure your lawn is mowed, hedges are trimmed, and any weeds are pulled. Create a welcoming entrance with fresh flowers or potted plants, and make sure the front door is clean and painted neutral.

Final Thoughts

Staging a brand-new home is about presenting it to potential buyers in the best possible light. You can make your home stand out by decluttering and cleaning, highlighting the best features, furnishing and decorating, creating curb appeal, and getting professional help.

Staging your home can take time and effort, but the return on investment can be well worth it. A well-staged home can sell faster, for a higher price, and with less negotiating.

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