agent showing the house

Tips for Increasing Revenue as a Property Manager

  • Invest in properties likely to appreciate in value and buy from developers when possible to reduce costs.
  • Consider the location of the property and look for amenities that can help attract tenants.
  • Reduce expenses by investing in energy-efficient upgrades and maintaining regular maintenance and repairs.
  • Improve tenant retention with open communication, attractive amenities, and lease renewal incentives and rewards.

As a property manager, your main goal is to keep your properties running smoothly while also generating revenue for your business. However, with so many expenses to consider, it can be challenging to maximize your profits. Luckily, there are some best practices that you can use to unlock your property’s earning potential and help your business grow. Here are a few tips to get you started:

Buying Property

One of the most effective ways to increase your revenue as a property manager is by purchasing properties likely to appreciate. Many investors make the mistake of buying homes without considering the potential growth in value these homes might yield. This will not only help you maximize your profits but also increase the value of the property itself. When looking for investment properties, the following are some hacks to bear in mind:

Buy Direct from Developer

Buying directly from a developer can be smart, as you can often get a better price and have more control over the design and layout of the property. Aside from that, there are other benefits, including the following:

  • Lower costs: Developers often offer affordable options to buyers who purchase early in the construction process. This can help you save money on the purchase and get a better return on your investment.
  • Customization options: Developers offer land for sale to consumers who want a more personalized property. This can give you greater control over the design and layout of your investment.
  • Warranty: New properties typically come with a warranty covering any defects or issues for a certain period. Developers are often willing to extend this warranty for several years, which could save you money in case of any repairs or maintenance.

Consider the Location

The location of your property is also an essential factor to consider. Look for properties in areas with high demand for rental units, such as near universities, hospitals, or business districts. These areas tend to have higher rental and lower vacancy rates, which can help increase your revenue.

a condo unit with pool area

Identify Available Amenities

Consider investing in properties that offer attractive amenities, such as a swimming pool, gym, or outdoor space. These amenities can help to attract tenants and justify higher rental rates. Consumers prefer properties with modern amenities, so it pays to invest in these features if you can.

Reducing Expenses

Another way to increase your revenue as a property manager is by reducing your expenses. This will directly affect your bottom line since it increases the money you keep from each rental unit. You can do so by following these strategies:

Energy Efficiency

Investing in energy-efficient upgrades such as LED lighting, low-flow toilets, and programmable thermostats can help to reduce your utility bills and save you money over time. Many utility providers offer incentives for installing energy-efficient upgrades, so it could be worth looking into. With the right upgrades, you can reduce your energy costs and enjoy a higher return on your investments.


Regular maintenance and repairs can help to prevent costly expenses down the line. Consider setting up a preventative maintenance schedule and keeping track of repairs and upgrades to ensure your properties are in top condition. This will help you to keep your costs low and increase your rental income.

Improving Tenant Retention

Finally, improving tenant retention is another key strategy for increasing your revenue as a property manager. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

a tenant and propery owner talking


Maintain open lines of communication with your tenants and address any concerns they may have promptly. Responding to tenant requests quickly can help to build trust and loyalty. This will help you to keep your tenants for longer and avoid costly turnover.


As mentioned earlier, offering attractive amenities such as a fitness center or rooftop terrace can help to retain tenants and justify higher rental rates. By leveraging these features, you can attract more tenants and increase your profit margins.

Lease Renewal Incentives

Consider offering incentives for tenants who renew their leases, such as a rent reduction or a gift card. This can help to encourage tenants to stay and reduce vacancy rates.

Increasing your revenue as a property manager is all about maximizing profits while keeping your properties in top condition. Investing in the right properties, reducing expenses, and improving tenant retention can increase your revenue and take your property management game to the next level.

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