man getting a company car

Making the Most Out of Your Company Vehicle

Literally, your business is going places that you decided to buy a couple of company vehicles for your employees’ use. Instead of partnering with third-party delivery services, you thought it more prudent to just buy a base-model vehicle for all those deliveries in and out of the state. You also believed it is time to think about your employees’ comfort. Thus, a company van for all the trips they have to make is the right answer.

However, buying a company vehicle isn’t just about getting your products, services, and employees to different places. It’s about maintaining that car and including it in your list of expenses. After all, if you don’t take care of a car well, whether it be for personal or business use, it risks being more of a liability than an asset. That is not what business owner wants when they invest in vehicles for their business.

Trust Someone to Keep the Car in Check

While everyone in the office is responsible for the car, appoint a person to check it regularly for possible damage, maintenance needs, and others. This person should, at the least, be knowledgeable about cars. The point of having someone in the office to check on the car’s needs is to address issues once they affect the lifespan and the functionality of the vehicle. A well-maintained car starts at proper and routine check-ups.

Make a Policy About Its Use

How can you make sure your employees are going to take care of the company vehicle? Make a separate office policy about its use. That will make them understand how to schedule for its use, where and when they can use it, what happens if there’s an accident, and when they are liable for it or not. If they get into an accident while using the company car for personal reasons, they will need to hire a car accident lawyer on their own dime. But if it’s for business reasons, then the company’s insurance coverage will shoulder the cost for them. This should be made clear.

Use It for Branding

Your company car or van is going to move around the city or even the country. It’s a moving advertisement, so make sure it has your brand name plastered all over it. You need an eye-catching logo, as well as some quick and useful information that potential customers need to know. Hire a designer who can help you create something that will attract potential customers as your vehicle moves places.

cleaning company car

Keep It Clean

Remember that the company car is a representation of your business. You need to show love, care, and attention to detail because your customers may judge your business according to what they see on the vehicle. If they see you taking care of your business assets, they will also believe that you will care about the services you are providing them. Take the car to a car wash regularly so that it will be clean and tidy all the time.

Invest in Technology for It

The business vehicle should have built-in satellite navigation and Bluetooth connectivity. Invest in those technologies, so your employees don’t need to use their phones to check the route while driving. Driver-assisted technologies are great because they keep the car and the driver safe and secure. Make sure to check out what technologies will help in the functions of your business car or van. Your own employees will be happy to know that these technologies are available for their comfort and safety.

Learn About Lease Hire Agreements

If you don’t want the hassle of taking care of your own company car but you still need one, why not check out some companies that own a fleet of cars to be rented out to another company such as yours. They have different policies for putting a brand on the car but check out how much this will cost you. Basically, another company owns the car while you pay for its long-term rent. This arrangement takes away the hassles out of managing company cars.

A lot of times, companies are in limbo about buying a car for their business needs. There are many options for businesses that need a fleet of vehicles right now. Plus, there are also ways to maximize the potentials and functionalities of business-owned vehicles. While it might cost you now, the car’s potentials can bring in more sales and awareness. Those are always the start of a good relationship with loyal customers.

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