rusted metal

Metal Corrosion: How Can You Prevent It?

Corrosion occurs when metals gradually waste away due to oxidation and exposure to water, electrical current, and wind. There are cases when pipes buried underneath the earth get corroded due to the presence of substances, such as gypsum and chloride.

It’s also common to see rusted pipes and other metals in industrial complexes, homes, business establishments, and construction sites. Your own building may have one or two metal or steel materials, such as posts, beams, and trusses, with some damages due to corrosion.

While you can always contact a steel supplier in Utah or wherever your location is to deliver replacements, wouldn’t it be nice if you can prevent corrosion from damaging your metal components? Here are six ways on how you can avert damages to steel and metal components in your property:

Lay underground pipes on a backfill

Backfill materials like limestone are critical in preventing damages caused by corrosive elements found in the soil. The backfill will serve as a protective barrier for the metal pipes so that corrosion will be kept at bay.

Apply protective coating

Coating corrosion-prone steel and metal is one common way of protecting them from such a hazard.

For those on a budget, painting over the entire surface of the metal or steel is one way of achieving a protective barrier. For best results, however, powder coating is the way to go since it offers better protection from corrosion with different coating materials such as nylon, epoxy, and acrylic.


Another great way of preventing corrosion is to galvanize the metal or steel component. This centuries-old anti-corrosion technique involves dipping the steel into molten zinc, which then results in an excellent protective barrier that can keep the metal in great condition for an extended period.


steel plating

For those who wish to achieve not only protection but also aesthetic boost, plating is the perfect option. Metallic coatings are applied onto steel and metal to protect against corrosion and give a decorative finish. The four common types of such coatings are mechanical, electroplating, hot dipping, and electroless.

Periodic maintenance

Without proper and regular maintenance, no amount of protective coating can be 100% effective in preventing damages to metal and steel due to corrosion. As such, be sure to check these components for rust regularly and to scrape it off as soon as possible. Also, re-apply protective coatings as often as needed, as they will typically wear off over time.


Anodizing metals such as aluminum alloy is yet another excellent means of keeping corrosion at bay. If you have metal components that are regularly exposed to the elements like wind and rain, this should be a great option to consider as it is designed to make metals weather-resistant.

With these six tricks, your metal components should have a longer service life while protected against the usual damages caused by corrosion. But for metals that did get damaged by corrosion, there’s always the option to order brand-new ones from a company that manufactures and delivers high-quality metals.

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