open house concept

Planning And Preparing For An Excellent Open House

Markets, industries, and the world economy is finally stabilizing and finding some semblance of balance after a rough year. And, while it still has some minor kinks and rough edges to sand out, we are starting to see everyone bounce back from such a terrible 2020. For example, we have the housing market, an industry evidently affected by the pandemic but still manages to grow strong and has started picking up steam during the first quarter.

So, to capitalize on this bullish outlook and growing trend of first-time homebuyers eager to get their hands on a place of their own and a roof above their head, we need to brush up on our open house skills. Sure, you might think that not a lot has changed, but with people leaning towards health & safety and following social distancing guidelines, it doesn’t hurt to review. Plus, you might even learn a new thing or two in the process.

What Do You Need?

Lucky for us, a lot of the methods below are inexpensive and can be achieved with a bit of elbow grease, so if you’re looking to save a bit of the budget, then you’ve come to the right place. Of course, don’t expect us to provide renovation tips to appreciate the value because these projects should’ve been done beforehand. With that said, let’s go to our first step:

#1 Clean And Purge

Your top priority should always be to clean and purge the home of all things that aren’t necessary to conduct an open house. Remember, you’re marketing this place and want it to look its best, and if people come in and find something unsightly, that’s going to hurt your chances. Plus, more and more people are concerned about health & safety, and cleanliness takes a considerable chunk out of that, so a well-kept house does score you some extra points.

  • Make It Spotless: Bedrooms, kitchens, and bathrooms are some of the most impactful rooms in a house, and they often make or break a sale depending on both beauty and functionality. However, these rooms are also subject to some of the dirtiest nooks and crannies, and all it takes is one bad spot to make a potential buyer look the other way. So, do your due diligence in making the place spotless because that little extra step might just be your lifesaver.
  • Keep Things Neutral: When selling a home and preparing for an open house, you want to keep the space as neutral as possible, which means putting away any personal belongings. We suggest renting out a temporary storage unit to keep all the valuables, but if the previous owner is willing to take them straight away, then much better. You want the house to feel welcoming and wanting a new homeowner, so do your best to exude that feeling.

#2 Appeal And Reinforce The Senses

training concept

Next on our checklist, you’ll want to appeal and reinforce the senses and sell the house in all aspects. You see, people don’t enter an open house and observe with their eyes alone. They will feel the space through smell, touch, and sight, just to name a few, all to evaluate if this home is right for them. And, it is your goal to make those senses work in your favor.

  • Prepare Food: While some people might call it too much, we strongly think that preparing food is an essential step in planning and preparing for an excellent open house. Good food strikes two of the senses, giving the potential buyers something tasty and filling the space with a delicious aroma. Plus, great-tasting food is excellent conversation starters and can turn simple leads into actual buyers.
  • Diffuse Essential Oils: Of course, we don’t expect to have snacks in every single room. That’s too much and will give off the wrong idea. So, to help maintain a pleasing aroma and give every part of the open house a good smell, you might want to try diffusing essential oils. Nothing beats opening a room and being greeted with a pleasant smell. It uplifts the mood and breaks the glass ceiling in expectations. So, give it a chance the next time you handle an open house.

#3 Market And Advertise

Finally, while every open house requires some marketing and advertising to make it happen, we believe that most people don’t put in enough effort. Don’t be afraid to put up some extra signs and add more online listings because this will give you a wider reach and scope in terms of potential home-buyers. Heck, even one sign outside is far too little, so don’t be too wary about stepping on the gas for marketing and advertising.

Going The Extra Mile

Overall, you can implement plenty of methods and techniques to your open house plan to make it flow more smoothly, attract more visitors, and increase the chances of landing a sale. Plus, even if you don’t get an immediate offer, everything mentioned is just good open house etiquette to follow, proving your professionalism. ;

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