food truck

Selling From A Van: What You Need To Know

It almost seems like a passage rite of every entrepreneur where every hardship forebodes another. But this isn’t true with the founder of GoPro. Nick Woodman is a selling-from-a-van success story. According to him, it took a lot of grit and that entrepreneurial spirit to get him through selling belts and shell necklaces from a van. Although using a van as a mobile store sounds easy, there is still crucial business know-how to be had and applied.

Even though there is a lot of competition and advice on food trucks, businesses from vans are just as viable if you’ve prepared well enough. Go through this quick checklist to make sure you have all of your bases covered.

Business Savings

Do an audit on yourself and check if you have enough of an emergency fund. It’s supposed to be different from the contingency fund that covers your supplies. An emergency fund keeps your business afloat if the sales aren’t enough to keep it profitable. Preparing one will allow you to afford emergency repairs when you badly need them, like a brake service. You wouldn’t want to be driving around your entire business in a van that hasn’t been checked now and then. Make sure you always have enough for emergencies like those.

Decorative Advertising

food truck

There is so much potential advertising space on the van. Since the van itself is big paid for by the business, it only makes sense to advertise on it to increase buyers’ traffic. You’ll no longer have to yell what you’re selling if they can see signs and pictures of what they can purchase from you. All you’ll need is to prepare an investment for the paint job or the application of your advertisement on the van.

All The Permits

Look into the permits you’ll need to have on hand whenever you’re on the road. Ask around or check with your local government regarding the papers you need to pay for. It’s always better to be ready rather than finding yourself on edge when someone who looks like an inspector passes by your shop. It also adds value to your business because your customers will be aware that they’re buying from a legal and registered seller.

A Map Of Your Market

Since your location can be anywhere you choose, it will be helpful to have a map of your market. That way, you’ll be able to travel to hotspots where your product will sell, rather than waiting in a spot that has zero customers. As you scout different locations for your market, mark them on a map or list their addresses. You’ll need to have it on hand wherever your business will take you.

An Organized Van

Probably one of the larger selling points for customers could be walking up to an organized van. Having a seamless series of movements from showing them your products to collecting their payment and packing the product they just bought can make things easier for you and the customer. To do this, you can create a layout for your van that makes the flow of the van more conducive to faster service and a shorter line.

Having a long line or a huge crowd can be a deterrent to some customers because it can indicate poor and slow service. Although it might seem like it’s good for business, it will get really confusing having many customers to serve during work hours. Lessening the probability of a crowd will make your van seem more approachable, and the customers will be able to have a clear view of your products.

Selling your product from a van can be a profitable venture due to the minimal capital costs, lowering your margin cost per product. Those savings can be translated into better service, colorful advertising, and a legal business. The mobile component will allow you to maximize the potential of your market.

There are a lot of advantages to having your business on the road. Aside from what’s been mentioned, it can also allow you to expand into a delivery service cheaper than other models. What’s important is that you stay on your path and always seek to provide the best product and service possible to your customers. There’s no better marketing strategy than their testimonies. Just like the founder of GoPro, power through your goals (even if it takes a van to get there).

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