social media

Is Social Media the Difference Maker in Real Estate Sales Now?

You wouldn’t be surprised to know that social media is now the most effective strategy to market real estate investments, attract investors and clients, and close deals, right? Real estate companies shifted their focus from traditional marketing and advertising strategies to a more focused social media strategy. If they have a marketing budget, they’re going to pour 90% of that into social media. That’s how important social media has become to the industry.

Just think about how the tides shifted in the past year. Because of the pandemic, people had to stay more at home. They couldn’t attend open houses. They cannot visit properties they are eyeing. Homebuyers relied on the internet and social media. Real estate agents who have made that shift long before the pandemic wreaked havoc into people’s lives earned more in the past year than those who stuck with traditional marketing strategies.

Sure, flyers and open houses still work. If you’re handing out pamphlets to mall-goers, you’ll probably receive a call or two about a property in your listing. But that is nothing compared to the amount of interest that social media posts can generate. With over three billion active social media users, it is no secret that Facebook and Instagram are the big things in business right now. No matter your industry, your social media presence will dictate your boom or doom.

Posting Is Not Enough

But if you think that posting about your property listing on Facebook is enough, think again. Real estate agents do not only have to post photos and even blogs, but they also have to engage possible clients. They have to answer inquiries, reply to comments, share stories and experiences, and cultivate an online presence that will persuade and entice buyers.

Social media cannot compare to a face-to-face sales pitch. The only drawback of communicating on Facebook and Instagram is the lack of personal interaction. So one of the things you have to learn is how to communicate with your market without face-to-face conversations and even video calls (not everyone is keen on video calls). The trick here is to continue sharing and answering. You cannot expect your market to like, share, and comment on your posts if you don’t do the same. Learn who to follow, too, because clients value companies and brands who follow them back on social media.

Privacy Still Needed

But using social media when selling high-end properties is quite different, too. Buyers still value discretion. They wouldn’t want to ask about the price of the house in the comments section. That’s why you need a secure way to communicate with this particular audience. They might not even be comfortable enough to add you as a friend on Facebook or to have you follow them back on Instagram.

internet privacy

Instead, they use social media only to browse through listings and get an idea of which broker to contact. When it comes to transacting or negotiating with the broker, they want it to be done through trusted representatives. If they will want to speak with the broker directly, it will definitely be either through personal interaction or through video calls. High-stakes investments will usually require more effort from the agent.

Powerful Visuals Set the Tone

How can you draw buyers? Instagram is a popular platform for real estate agents because they can post photos and video tours of the properties in their listings. They can also use Instagram Stories to update followers about project developments. However, there is a lot of competition on Instagram because it is an easy platform to utilize. Your visuals must be a standout, so don’t rely on your skills alone when taking photos of the properties. Hire a professional photographer who adds a certain oomph into the photos.

But remember that it is not just about how the property itself looks. It’s also about the neighborhood and community. Don’t forget to post and talk about the neighborhood where the property is. Potential buyers want to know what kind of neighborhood they are going to live in if they make an offer for the property.

A strong social media strategy will bring potential clients and close deals faster. You have to harness the power of social media when it comes to interacting with customers and persuading them to take a look at your property listing. While traditional media still works, they no longer have the monopoly of advertising and marketing real estate properties the way they used to. Social media is here not as a trend, but as a permanent platform that will dictate the success of every business and industry.

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