man getting allergy with the air

Springtime Wars: Pollens versus Allergies

Ah, spring. Many consider this lush season to be the most refreshing part of the year. This is especially true in beautiful Sacramento, where gardens in Capitol Park burst into bloom and lovely wildflowers start to pop along trails near the American Rivers as soon as spring begins.

From the pleasant weather to the gorgeous sceneries— what could go wrong about wonderful springtime?

Well, if you ask an asthmatic person, the answer would be pollens, pollens, and more dreadful pollens.

Individuals who have asthma and allergies can experience symptoms more frequently during spring. This is because common triggers like tree pollens abound everywhere. And let’s not even mention the various grass pollens that spell bad news for people who are allergic to grasses.

While you can’t stop pollen from spreading in the air, there are several ways to manage flare-ups and reactions. Check them out below.

  1. Consistently take your asthma medications.

Asthma medications, such as Flovent, Advair, and QVAR, help prevent attacks by easing airway inflammation and relieving tension. Keep these medications or other drugs prescribed by your doctor close by. You should also visit a pharmacy so that you can refill your prescriptions if necessary.

Additionally, always bring a rescue inhaler as it comes in handy for emergencies. If you notice any changes, such as increased frequency or worsening of symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.

  1. Stock up on allergy meds.

Allergies are irritating and can cause intolerable discomfort. It is best to always have anti-allergy medicines with you, especially when you’re going out. By doing so, you can prevent aggravations that may lead to an asthma attack.

Claritin or Zyrtec are the two clinically proven effective antihistamines that can be taken daily to prevent attacks. You may also opt for nasal steroid decongestant sprays to reduce symptoms, like sneezing, coughing, and sinus drainage that can trigger asthma. However, be sure that your pulmonologist prescribes these.

  1. Improve the air quality of your home.

Air duct

Unpleasant indoor air quality can aggravate asthma symptoms. Hence, it’s important to make sure that the air you’re breathing in is safe to inhale.

You can do so by keeping your air-conditioning unit’s filters clean and having them replaced by a technician as necessary. Utilizing professional air duct cleaning services in Sacramento, Reno, or wherever city you live is also beneficial as the process includes sanitizing other components of the ventilation system, like the registers and grilles. Thus, the number of harmful particles in the surrounding air will be minimized significantly.

  1. Hydration is the key.

It’s important to keep yourself hydrated as a dry throat and mouth can make you more susceptible to irritation caused by air pollutants.

Drink plenty of soothing fluids, however, make sure that they’re neither too cold or too hot. This is because extreme temperatures can cause muscle spasms in your airways, according to Dr. Janna Tuck, an allergist and spokesperson for the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.

  1. Shower before heading to bed.

Although you may find this unnecessary, taking a shower at night can help alleviate your allergies. During your busy day, the pollutants, pollens, and other allergy triggers can be latched onto your clothing, skin, and hair.

Hence, showering and washing off your hair immediately when you arrive home from work can remove allergens that have been attached to your body throughout the day.

As the adage goes, prevention is better than cure. Therefore, it’s crucial to be well equipped to combat any health complaints that you may experience in springtime. For more comprehensive advice, it’s best to contact a licensed medical expert.

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