
Things to Know About Building a Greenhouse in Your Garden

Gardening can be a tedious yet fulfilling task. Some turn to gardening as a hobby, while others are more passionate about it. For one thing, you can grow your own vegetables and other products instead of going to the market. Aside from vegetables, you can also have your own plants and flowers that will make your yard look more spectacular and valuable.

If you are a gardening enthusiast, why not consider building a luxury greenhouse? Having one is a great addition to your home and for those who love to take care of their plants. However, there are some things you need to consider first before building a greenhouse.

Things to consider before building a greenhouse

Among factors to think about before creating a greenhouse are the following.

Size and structure

Greenhouses are not a simple structure where you can house your plants. The size of the greenhouse also depends on your gardening needs. Some greenhouses are made from cold frames, while others are made with glass materials.


Aside from materials, you should also add heat, electricity, and lighting in and out of the greenhouse. Benches and shelving are also vital so you can place more plants in the greenhouse. Having these amenities is important so you can utilize your greenhouse.


Ventilation and heating

Experts suggest having around 80 to 85 degrees F temperature inside your greenhouse. It is essential to maintain the right temperature inside the greenhouse to ensure better plant growth. You can also use shade cloth to help manage the temperature.

What you can plant inside the greenhouse

There are also various plants and vegetation you can grow inside the greenhouse. It will depend on the season of which kind of plants you should have. For example, you can put the seeds in trays and transfer them into larger containers once the seeds begin to sprout.

During summer, you can plant perennials and other plants that usually thrive during the fall season. Come winter, and you can plant ones that bloom in autumn and winter. You can also plant cold-season vegetation, such as peas, carrots, and broccoli.

However, you should also make sure to keep your greenhouse free from fungi, molds, and bugs. Otherwise, it will infest your plants and affect their growth. That is why you should keep an eye on your greenhouse and avoid the spread of destructive pests on your plants.

Why you should have a greenhouse

Among the benefits of having a greenhouse, especially if you are a gardening enthusiast, are the following.

  • You can grow a variety of plants and produce in it (ex. vegetables, flowers, plants, etc.).
  • It is one way to organize and place your plants in one location.
  • It protects your plants and produces against all kinds of weather conditions, such as too much sun, rain, and more.
  • It encourages optimum temperature that can help in the plants’ better growth.
  • It looks good in any backyard and garden.

Building a greenhouse may be expensive, depending on the material and amenities. Nonetheless, it can be one of the best investments you can make if you are passionate about gardening.

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