Contractor showing couple a blueprint

Three Things Your Contractor Won’t Tell You But Should

Have you ever felt anxious by watching reality TV’s home renovation projects? Have you screamed at the TV because a homeowner was naïve enough to trust their contractor? As hard as it might be to believe, but you’re probably doing the same thing with your own renovation project. We tend to trust the contractor we have chosen because we think that they are working for us. We have never realized that for them, we’re clients. Their loyalty lies with their workers and sub-contractors.

We’re Not Exactly Insured

Aside from making sure that your contractor has safety equipment suppliers, you should also check their insurance policies. That will keep lawsuits at bay, while these workers are finishing a project in your house. Remember that since they are working on-site, you might be liable for any untoward accident that can happen. Knowing that your contractor is properly insured will bring you peace of mind.

What kind of insurance does the contractor have? At the very least, the contractor should be covered for property damage, third-party injuries, damage claims, and workers’ compensation. Many contractors have the generic insurance policy required in most states. You’d want to work with someone who has general liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance.

How can you know that your contractor is insured? Ask to see a copy of the policy. Don’t sign the contract unless you see these documents.

Our Bid Wasn’t Realistic

Your contractor wants to win the bid to get your project. In the process, they might have bid a little too low for anyone to come work for them. They won’t find plumbers or electricians or carpenters with the kind of money they are offering. When they go too low, they hire unskilled workers. They cannot make an offer to skilled and professional plumbers and carpenters.

That’s another thing that most contractors won’t tell you. They won’t tell you that they are outsourcing their workers. You won’t know that these workers are working on two to three projects at the same time. That will eat up on the time they should be working on your project. In short, your contractor won’t finish the project on time.

house being renovated

We May Charge More for Attorneys and Physicians

When contractors bid for a project, what factors do they consider? Apparently, it isn’t how big your house is or how much time it will take to finish the project. They may charge more if you’re a lawyer or a physician. And it’s not because they think you’re earning more.

Contractors charge higher upfront fees for lawyers because they can find a way to withhold money from them while physicians are too analytical and detailed. The higher upfront cost pays for the stress and pressure of having to deal with the client. Of course, not all contractors work like this. But if the contractor asks you about your profession, you might want to withhold information so that they won’t charge more.

Be wary of contractors who promise impossible things such as super low prices and shorter construction time. You need to be realistic about your expectations. You also need to spend time getting to know the contractor before you sign that contract. The last thing you want is to make it impossible for yourself to get out of an unbreakable contract.

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