gardener cleaning lawn

Killing Some Weeds? Here’s What You Should Know First

The beginning of spring means only one thing for gardeners: the weeds are coming. It’s the time of year when commercial ads for weed killers are almost everywhere, like a sort of warning that gives you a shot of anxiety to give extra attention to your glorious garden.

While having a lawn is tough work for most homeowners, it actually offers loads of benefits, especially in improving the value and aesthetic appeal of a property. Have you ever felt a strange pull when seeing a front yard with well-kept grass? Don’t you just want to sit, read a book, have a picnic, or simply relax? But homeowners who can’t carve out time to manage a garden rely on artificial grass to reap the aesthetic benefits of having a lawn while cutting down on watering costs and regular maintenance.

For those who have no choice but to deal with actual lawns in their yards, weed killers are their best friends. The great thing about weed killers or herbicides is they interfere with plant growth by destroying root formation or blocking protein production. To make this possible, weed killers contain certain chemicals that can harm not only the weed itself but also our health and the entire garden. For this reason, it’s essential to consider factors involved in weed-killing to minimize its harmful consequences. With this in mind, here are things you must know before spraying your garden with herbicides.

Start with prevention

The battle against weeds begins before the enemies emerge. Build a garden suitable for plants you plan to grow and inhibit the growth of weeds.

The secret lies in healthy and consistent plant care. This means choosing plants suited for the existing climate while providing regular mulch and adequate moisture. After all, healthy plants thrive in healthy soil. This also applies to beautifully raised lawns that cover open soil, restricting weeds from gaining a foothold.

Being alert at all times is also a must-have skill among gardeners. You have to make time to visit your landscape at least every week to check for small weeds. This will reduce their chances to establish their root and multiply. A great tip is to pull weeds after a drizzle so the roots will come out easily.

Familiarize with the surroundings

The initial step in determining the right product or method to eliminate weeds is to identify the type of weed growing in your yard. You have to know the enemy you’re fighting to find the best weapon to kill them.

The internet offer loads of information on how to name the common weeds in the garden. There are around 17 types of weeds, and some of them almost look the same. If it’s too hard, consult a professional gardener or bring a sample to a garden center.

Remember, weed-killing products target specific weeds, so what may work for your neighbor’s lawn may not work for you. Some have certain target sites or limitations for specific weeds.

Also, check other types of weeds growing nearby. Often, most weed killers aren’t suitable to apply on or near edible plants. Herbicides in weed and feed form can spread through wind and kill surrounding germinating plants.

Determine the potential impact

Weed killers contain certain chemicals that can potentially harm your garden, so one wrong move can destroy the entire yard. In fact, most herbicides go beyond the specific weeds you’re trying to eliminate.

Weed-killing products work by causing the plant to halt its growth properly. It also has the potential to do the same on animals and non-weed plants! Animals, plants, and humans have different responses to certain environmental aspects, highlighting the need to use weed products with extreme caution and care.

Consider natural and organic herbicide

A weed-killing product with a natural or organic symbol is safer than chemical-based herbicides. This is because organic herbicides break down quickly compared to non-organic ones that stay longer within the plant or soil.

It’s worth noting that high concentrations of natural or organic herbicides pose a serious risk to surrounding animals and plants. The most eco-friendly way to eliminate weeds is to do it manually by pulling them right into their roots. While this isn’t an option for most people, another alternative is to buy a herbicide with the least impact on the environment.

Over the years, gardening products have evolved to fit the different needs of every gardener. They come in different varieties and purposes, so it’s up to you to pick which one will work best for your garden. Keep in mind that gardening products such as herbicides contain chemicals that may or may not cause certain risks. The best you can do is to arm yourself with information and choose the one with the least impact on the environment.

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