fine art prints

Ways of Selling Your Work Through the Magic of Fine Art Prints

It can take quite a while to hone your skills and build a following around your art, but you will soon get to the point where you can put a price on your pieces and sell them to others. You might wonder how you’re going to put them up for sale as well as how to go about it without giving away your original pieces. One way you can do so is to create digital copies of your work and then have them printed out. You can then sell the pieces by making use of the following methods:

Direct Selling

Choosing to sell your art on your own and without the help of others will certainly give you the whole amount that you should be earning. Marketing it yourself will also help associate you with your work. However, you will have to put in a little more effort and sometimes a little more cash. If you decide to do so, there are many ways you can go about it. One of them is to put up ads on marketplace websites, social media, or pages online and then send details, payment, and the copy to each other. Another is to take the results of your giclee printing and sell them in person to people in Salt Lake City, Utah.


art gallery

If you’re too busy or you can’t attend to selling your work on your own, you can leave it to others such as art shops, small galleries, or even libraries to sell and promote your work for you. Talk to the owners if they are willing to do so with a percentage of the proceeds as payment. When you do this, make sure that you ask them to report on any sales—which of your works are popular and which have run out. You might think that you should look for well-known places, but even the more obscure ones have their advantages. They are usually more willing. If they grow with your work, they can be asked to partner with you.

Royalties and Commissions

This method involves asking your contacts such as friends and family if they can promote your work for you with a percentage of the sales made through them as payment. It is similar to the consignment model, but they don’t have to have a physical storefront. They also don’t have to keep a stock of your work on hand. When they make a sale, they will just contact you so that you can deliver. In a way, it is a combination of the two methods above. You can make it easier for them to market your work by giving them a few free copies.

Giclee or fine art printing is a great way to promote and sell your art without having to part ways with your originals. But no matter which options you take, make sure that you are working with reputable people who can deliver. Take the time to see if they’re the right people for the job.

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