curb appeal of house

Why a Curb Appeal Is Good for Your Property and How to Achieve It

In the world of real estate, more often than not, property owners have placed more focus on beautifying and improving the insides of a house that the exterior surrounding is usually left as the endmost priority. But whether you are renting out a property or selling your home, a great curb appeal is essential.

Apart from improving a property’s facade, curb appeal is an innovative marketing tool. To attract more prospective buyers and tenants, making a good first impression of the property is crucial. Prospective tenants or buyers are more likely to view the interior of the property if the exterior already looks appealing.

But what exactly is curb appeal?

Curb appeal means the attractiveness of a house from the outside. It encompasses all the external factors that determine an individual’s first impression of a property when they lay their eyes on it. Improving your property’s curb appeal is vital for the following reasons:

First Impression Matters

When you are trying to sell or rent out a property, making an excellent first impression matters. Even before walking to the front door, potential home buyers and tenants already formed an opinion of the house. A neat and well-maintained front facade of a house creates an impression that the inside surroundings are also clean and well-maintained.

Increase Value of Property

Accordingly, improving the curb appeal of your property increases its value by 5.5 to 12.7 percent. Potential home buyers and renters are more inclined to pay a little higher if the external surroundings are inviting. Furthermore, it is more likely that buyers or tenants will close a deal even if the location of the property is undesirable if they love how the house looks from the outside.

Increase Buyer’s Interest

A property’s facade tells a story of how the owner cares and puts value on a house. By improving your property’s curb appeal, you increase a buyer’s interest in purchasing the home. A buyer who falls in love with the house’s exterior is more likely to overlook any inconvenience or drawbacks they might notice once they see the interior of the property.

Encourage Buyers to Check Interior

Once home buyers or tenants see and love the exterior of a property, they are more eager to check its interior as well. Any potential buyer or renter wants to see an interesting and beautiful house exterior. If they find that the outside surroundings are unkempt and grimy, they would assume that the property owner does not put much, or even any effort, in cleaning the insides of the house, too.

You do not have to resort to extreme measures in improving your property’s curb appeal. Here are a few cost-efficient ways to consider how to increase your property’s curb appeal without breaking your wallet.

Keep the Lawn Clean

By simply mowing your lawn, removing weeds and cobwebs, and sweeping fallen leaves and twigs, you help improve your property’s curb appeal without even touching your wallet. A clean front yard communicates to prospective home buyers and tenants that you genuinely care about the state of your property.

Fix the Roof

More than you realize, the physical condition of your property’s roof also determines the likelihood of buyers or renters pursuing your property. It is a worthwhile investment to have your roof regularly power washed, the gutters cleaned, and any broken shingles replaced. With a well-maintained roof, you can increase your property rate, and tenants or buyers are less likely to haggle for a lower price.

Make Entryway Inviting

An inviting entryway to your property also increases the chance of prospective home buyers or tenants to close the deal. You can have your front door changed or repainted, especially if it is already showing obvious signs of damage. Do not also forget the value of having your garage door repaired to make the overall exterior of your property more appealing.

Pressure Wash


A simple pressure wash of your front porch, patio, driveway, and any other outside surface is an inexpensive game-changer that helps make your exterior surroundings look fresh and brand new. Pressure washing removes old dirt, grime, and moss that have long stuck on the surface. It is inexpensive and only requires manpower to do it.

In addition to the above suggestions, a few pots of flowers on your front porch or walkway can go a long way in making your property more appealing. It does not mean you have to spend hundreds of dollars on landscaping to achieve a great curb appeal. With a little effort, you increase the odds of having your property rented or sold quickly.

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