
5 Surprising Basement Design Ideas You Should Use

Home improvements aren’t as easy as it sounds. Typical homeowners often spend more time, money and energy in redesigning parts of the house that are regularly visited, such as the living room and dining area. But what about the basement?

Apparently, aside from being a storage room for basically anything excess, basements these days are now being remodeled into a place you can only imagine and below are some of them.

Represent the City

Hiring basement remodeling and foundation builders or contractors would be the best. But, if you love your hometown so much, it should be easy for you to infuse a Kansas City theme, for instance, into your basement.

If you are from Arizona, however, a couple of live or synthetic cactuses as props will be awesome. This theme basically implies being proud of your hometown and being creative in representing your city.

Movie House

Although not a rare idea, choosing Movie House as a theme for your basement is always a jaw-dropper. Perhaps because of the fact that no matter how repetitive the essentials of a movie house are, they simply are made to amuse and entertain people. If money is not a big deal, props such as a classic popcorn machine will be a wonderful idea.

Fitness Gym

basement gym

Nowadays, the world is slowly realizing the value of life. As a result, more and more people are leaning towards healthy living and being fit, which makes a Fitness Gym one of the best ideas to convert your basement to.

If you have enough space in your basement, a boxing ring will definitely deliver for this theme. One more positive thing about a fitness inspired basement is that it could change the way you see your basement.

Hotel Luxury

Let’s face it: A luxury hotel experience is far different from home relaxation. No matter how hard you try to do recreational activities and relaxation procedures, there is really something nice about being in a luxury hotel. So, why not put the hotel in your basement?

Yes, you can use this theme, especially if you can add fancy chandeliers and chairs, but the main attraction of your basement will be an elegant swimming pool. Try searching for more hotel designs and see what props will be most appropriate.

Children’s World

As years pass by, children’s toys have gradually evolved and significantly changed. But when it comes to their playground, it has always been the same. Slides and swings still work for them, so put one in your basement, and your children will surely go nuts once they see it.

Basically, turn your basement into a place any child cannot resist. With this theme, the children get to play and enjoy while you get to witness both the fruits of your labor and priceless joy in your children’s faces.

Conclusion: Everything is Worth it When Everybody is Happy

In remodeling, your basement, time, money, energy and, sometimes, even imagination are indeed being exhausted in the process sometimes. But, it is always a priceless feeling when you see your family savor each moment in a place which was once a basement.

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