woman using laptop on hotel bed

Amenities People Want for Their Next Staycation

One thing everyone’s doing nowadays is what they like to call a “staycation.” To save themselves the long drive and cut off the travel time, people are choosing to check in a hotel or rent a resort for the weekend. This is the new way of going on vacation and taking a relaxing break.

But checking in hotel rooms is getting old. People are looking into new destinations with new amenities to make their weekends count. If you’re a building owner looking to appeal to travelers, or as they say, “staycationers,” then here’s a list of things you might want to have in your site. If you have at least a few of these amenities in your establishment, then you’ll find yourself opening your doors to a huge wave of vacationers.

Swimming Pool

The thing with people on a staycation is they want it to feel like they’re on vacation while they never actually left the city. So they’re looking for amenities that will make them feel as if they took a long drive to a new place.

And what better way to appeal to them than with the good old swimming pool. Almost everyone loves lounging by the pool and enjoying the warm touch of the sun. It’s the number one amenity establishments must-have. So if you don’t have a swimming pool in your building, best contact a good swimming pool builder in Utah to take care of that for you.


people working out at the gymWhen people are on vacation, it’s their time to relax and forget about their busy city lives for a brief moment. For some, it might be a good time to do things for relaxation and self-care, such as going for a massage or going to the gym.

A weekend staycation is a perfect opportunity to get back on track with fitness and exercise, so make sure you have a gym that has all the basic equipment.

Game Room

The key to being the perfect place for a staycation is to have the amenities people need and want, so they don’t have to leave. That’s the whole idea of a “staycation”: to just stay put in one place and spend the entire weekend just relaxing there.

That being said, there must be plenty to do in the establishment. Give the guests what they need for an amazing weekend, and make their stay worth it.

Having a game room inside the building is a good idea for your guests to have fun. A billiards table, some arcade games, a darts board, and a bar — these are pretty much all you need to make that game room come to life.

Theater or Media Center

Home movie theaters have been a trend for a while now, and are installed in many luxury homes. It’s the ideal spot just to sit and enjoy a movie with family and friends. It seems that home movie theaters are never going out of style, so you might want to have this in your establishment.

It’s also a great idea to install some built-in amenities like popcorn machines or a snack and beverage bar. That way, people don’t have to leave the comfort of the room and can just focus on their leisure.

Because of the modern trend of going on “staycation,” owners of accommodation establishments need to up their game to meet the demands of the people. Having these luxurious amenities is sure to attract guests to spend their relaxation weekend in your place.

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