men looking at a blueprint

The Factors That Affect the Type of Foundation Used in Buildings

Buildings are not measured by how it looks because style and design are subjective. A true measure of a building is by the strength of materials and methods of construction. A building’s style can fade, but a durable structure with great foundations can withstand the test of time.

A building’s foothold

Buildings are constructed from the ground up, and it starts with the foundations. Every structure in existence begins with planning, and foundations are one of the first things that are laid out. Foundations provide a footing for the house. It distributes the weight of the building throughout the soil area and helps to prevent lateral movement of the structure. Foundations are also crucial as it increases structural stability.

Typical foundation construction for houses starts by digging the ground. In Salt Lake City, contractors determine the area on which foundations are set in to be able to get the right amount of concrete to be mixed and poured. The concrete mix is ordered in big batches from an off-site provider because mixing them on-site can be time-consuming. Also, foundations need to have a continuous pour of concrete to prevent a cold joint, which can lead to cracks and leaks.

The structure, especially foundations, needs to be reinforced to provide strength for the building. Steel bars and frames for the foundation are put into place first before pouring concrete.

Builders must then wait for the concrete to cure before laying the first level of the structure. Rushing to cure the concrete can lead to failure in the foundation. The concrete must cure to reach a tensile strength of at least 3,000 psi.

Foundations can be made shallow for ordinary construction like houses and deep for tall buildings. The depth of which foundations are set depends on the load-bearing capabilities of the structure or of soil conditions. The foundations are comparable to an anchor; they keep the structure standing on the ground even after calamities such as earthquakes.

An image of a vacant land

Soil type importance

The soil types determine the method of foundation to be used in a structure. The ground is not just made up of soil. It can have a mix of layers of sand, rocks, chalk, and even clay. Complicated builds require the study of the soil before setting the foundation.

The soil mechanics describes the behavior of the soil concerning its environment and other factors. Soil studies are essential because it analyzes deformations and liquid flow within the earth in building sites such as buildings, bridge foundations, and retaining walls.

Before planning on putting up a structure, it is best to contact the local authorities in the Building Control Department to know the typical soil type in an area. Most authorities also give out information about ideal foundation solutions for different soil types. The data is taken into consideration by planners to calculate and draft the foundation best suited for the construction.

Construction is a science that requires endless computations and estimations. Every development involves careful planning and design of a structure. Careful planning ensures the safety and durability of each material and structure made. Hiring professionals to handle these aspects in building a structure can give peace of mind to the builders and owners of the building.

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