
couple signing their divorce papers

Don’t Let the Pain of Divorce Ruin Your Life

Going through a divorce takes you through an emotional roller-coaster that can change your life forever. A relationship that you thought would last forever is slowly unraveling at the seams, thrusting you into unfamiliar territory. Couple that with the pain

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truck driver

What First-Time Truck Drivers Should Expect

Back then, being a truck driver was usually associated as a man’s job. Nowadays, even women jump ship and pursue this challenging yet fulfilling career. Truck driving requires discipline and extensive driving skills, but it can turn out to be

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Employee claiming benefits after work accident

What to Do If You Suffer a Workplace Injury

Despite numerous advances in safety through the years, the possibility of being injured at work still remains. Injuries are more prevalent in high-risk industries such as mining and construction, but they may happen to anyone in cases of emergencies. Because

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Shiny orange car closeup on headlight

A Guide to Upgrading Your Car

Car owners are always proud. They are even prouder when they put a personal touch to it. However, not all car upgrades are the same. You might end up ruining your car with the wrong upgrade. However, some upgrades are

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How the Media Misrepresents Bulimia

“I am not a bulimic, I am a bulimist,” Sam (played by Emma Watson), said in the film ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower. She then went on to say that she believes in bulimia and even “loves” it. Being

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couple signing their divorce papers

Don’t Let the Pain of Divorce Ruin Your Life

Going through a divorce takes you through an emotional roller-coaster that can change your life forever. A relationship that you thought would last forever is slowly unraveling at the seams, thrusting you into unfamiliar territory. Couple that with the pain

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truck driver

What First-Time Truck Drivers Should Expect

Back then, being a truck driver was usually associated as a man’s job. Nowadays, even women jump ship and pursue this challenging yet fulfilling career. Truck driving requires discipline and extensive driving skills, but it can turn out to be

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Employee claiming benefits after work accident

What to Do If You Suffer a Workplace Injury

Despite numerous advances in safety through the years, the possibility of being injured at work still remains. Injuries are more prevalent in high-risk industries such as mining and construction, but they may happen to anyone in cases of emergencies. Because

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Shiny orange car closeup on headlight

A Guide to Upgrading Your Car

Car owners are always proud. They are even prouder when they put a personal touch to it. However, not all car upgrades are the same. You might end up ruining your car with the wrong upgrade. However, some upgrades are

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How the Media Misrepresents Bulimia

“I am not a bulimic, I am a bulimist,” Sam (played by Emma Watson), said in the film ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower. She then went on to say that she believes in bulimia and even “loves” it. Being

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