green hops

How Do You Get the Best Hops for Your Beer?

The tanginess or flavor of beer always baits us into our next pint. While beer is originally made from barley extracts, the current versions incorporate hops for a more aromatic sharp state.

If you’re a new brewer, you have work to do. Since there are so many uncertainties, research and consultation will help you make the right decisions. You will need to:

Learn about the industry

Learn the aspects of the industry through consultation and research. You will need to ask the right questions and get correct information from veterans: other brewers, vendors, and growers. They have vast knowledge and industry experience, and you need to tap into that. Get close enough, and you have yourself a mentor.

While securing a mentor, do your homework, too. Be clear on what you are looking for and the type of beer you intend to process. What variety of hops will be suitable for it? You might not be sure on which hops will produce the best results for your style of beer. Test bitter hops, aroma hops, and more. Consult many experts to help minimize the cost of tests.

While researching and consulting, you will learn the different varieties of hops. Each has different characteristics and flavors. Sample new and old varieties and then note the results.

Also, meet up with other industry players and build beneficial relations. You will know who is who, and that will place you in a better position to know how to approach someone if you need to inquire or request something.

By now, you will have already known the market prices and differentiate quality.

Pick the right vendor

With a mentor on hand and accrued information, you will be able to pick a reliable vendor: one with good prices for the quality and variety that you want. You also get to know the availability of the hop. A good relationship with the vendors goes a long way in ensuring that you never miss your orders.

Choose a location

beer testers

Where is your brewer located, and from whom will you source your hops? Since different hops grow in various locations, having the hops that you want closer to your brewery reduces the transport costs and increases the availability of your raw material.

This might be the ideal situation, but it’s not always the case. If your brewery is far from the grower’s farm, have proper arrangements to have your hops delivered in good condition.

Order early

Making early reservations from the growers and vendors will keep you at pace. Ensure all the legal paperwork, including contracts, is approved and signed.

Now that you’re part of the brewing industry, understanding the raw materials and brewing process will help you know what is best for your beer. At this stage, you will be able to test different hops and judge the results. These will help you create the best type of beer.

Just like aseptic mango puree is infused in the beer-making process for their flavor, hops are infused for their nice aroma and tanginess. If you feel unsure, consult a craft beer expert.

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