How to Decorate a Small Home: 5 Tips

Singapore is one of the most expensive cities to live in the world. But that’s not to say you can’t get a home here. You can but you need to manage your expectations especially if you are an expatriate. Rental costs vary greatly – from S$500 for a room in an HBD flat to S$35000 per month for a big bungalow in a landed property. That’s a wide range.

One thing you need to bear in mind is the space you will be getting. Since space is not as large as homes in Western countries, you may feel that you can’t furnish it the way you want to. But that’s not the case. With a little bit of creativity, you can furnish a small home to look good while keeping it functional.

Here are a few tips on how to decorate a small home:

 1. Bring in the light

If you have a lot of light in a room then it will feel more spacious and airy. It doesn’t matter if you have large windows or small, you can still do a few things to bring in more natural light. First, reposition any furniture you may have to ensure nothing blocks natural light from the windows. Then consider changing your curtains. Opt for sheer curtains with lighter shades for more privacy and more light.

If there is no way you can bring in natural light due to the position of your home, then consider installing more lighting. These could be the in form of sconces, table lamps or ceiling fixtures. There are lots of light designs out there to suit every taste.

 2. Get rid of clutter

There’s nothing wrong with owning many things even when you live in a small space. But you need to ruthlessly get rid of all clutter. If you don’t need it, donate it. And if you can’t donate it, get rid of it. Your floor space needs to be visible and free of clutter. That creates the perception that your space is bigger than it is. Even the biggest house can feel claustrophobic if it is full of clutter.

 3. Use mirrors

Mirrors can help you create the illusion of light and space. You can angle several of them to reflect natural light from the windows into the darker areas of the home. And the more light there is, the bigger your space will feel.

 4. Go with a unified design and colour theme

While a large space will require multiple themes to help break down its size, a small space does not. Decide on what design and colour theme you want and stick to it. If your design is too busy it will create a cluttered look that will only emphasize how small your home is. And that may make you feel closed in.

5. Multi-functional furniture pieces are your friend

Multi-functional furniture pieces are one of the best ways to make use of a small space without compromising beauty. Find sectional sofas that can be moved conveniently based on need. You can also opt for a sofa bed that will enable you to host an extra guest or two.

Also, buy sitting and bedroom furniture that have additional storage space. Some beds have an additional bed on the side that you can pull out when you have an extra guest. Multi-functional furniture will help you store items you don’t need very often while keeping your home free and clear of clutter.


You can find the right furniture for your small space in an online furniture shop in Singapore. All you need to do is ensure you know what you need and what your space can accommodate. Then get started in furnishing your home.

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