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New Year Home Improvement Projects to Pursue

The year 2020 passed by so slow and yet so fast. If that is even possible. We cannot wait for it to be over because, for most of the year, it’s like we are almost literally dragging ourselves to the finish line. And now that the finish line is in sight, we feel like the entire year went by so quickly, most if not all of it wasted.

Now, let us cross our fingers that the next year will be better for all of us. If we could muster all the optimism in ourselves for 2021, we should. After all, a half-full bottle person will always fare better in life compared with a half-empty one.

To welcome 2021, do something hopeful. We recommend simple home improvement projects so your year will be off to a good start. Here are some ideas.

1. Update your dining table set

Your dining table set doe not have to be traditional with uniform chairs matching the tabletop. You can go against the grain and experiment with an eclectic dining table set. For instance, you can purchase a granite countertop to place over a DIY table stand made of salvaged wood or repurposed stainless steel.

For chairs, you can hunt for interesting pieces from antique and thrift shops. Or better yet, you can DIY chairs fashioned from designs available online.

2. Give your living room walls a fresh coat of paint

There’s no better home hack than a quick repaint. If you feel like you need something drastic to change the vibe of your living room without spending an arm and a leg, this project suits you best. Move away from muted or dark colors and lean more into brighter options. There’s already too much gloominess in the world you want your living room to be a bastion of light and warmth.

To be on the good side of Mother Nature, choose eco-friendly paint brands. Just like your normal paint, eco-friendly paints come in a variety of colors too.

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3. Install new lighting fixtures in your bedroom

The lighting in your home affects your emotional state. For example, bright lights are believed to heighten emotions. If you are happy, you will be happier basking in bright lights. Conversely, if you feel under the weather, bright lights can make you more miserable.

With those in mind, you must be more strategic with the lighting fixtures you install in your home. That is most crucial with the lights in your bedroom where you spend a lot of time. The key is to install as many lighting options so you can easily adapt the lighting to your mood or the activity you are doing. Do away with the solo white fluorescent bulb and go for versatility.

4. Replace the tiles in your bathroom

Is there mold buildup between the cracks in your bathroom tiles? That should be a cause of concern because the presence of mold affects a room’s air quality. Now if you have no mold problem with your bathroom tiles but they have become chipped and cracked in places, that’s a good enough reason for replacement as well.

Again, here you do not have to play it safe. Do away with the white tiles. Choose something louder and more extravagant. You can even mix and match and turn your bathroom into a fiesta.

5. Get yourself a mini garden

Your mental health will benefit from immersion in natural spaces. Something as simple as cultivating a garden can do wonders for your cognitive function. It will also help you cope with trauma and anxiety.

So if you have a small patch of land you can spare for a garden, by all means, pursue this hobby. City dwelling should not hinder you from gardening too. If your building apartment has a small terrace or balcony, that should be enough for a small urban garden. You can use railing planters, stacked planters, hanging baskets, and vertical wall planters for this purpose.

Despite the hopelessness of any situation, you must never wave the proverbial white flag. Believe that things pass and things do get better. Next time you feel like picking up that white flag and waving in incessantly against the world, do something constructive instead.

For example, you can turn that white flag into an art project. Stitch some amazing designs into it. Or paint it with flowers and birds and whatnot. Once you are happy with your creation, place it on your porch, ideally somewhere high where people can see it. It might just inspire others in your neighborhood on the verge of raising that white flag to continue fighting the good fight.

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