employee with mask

Prioritizing Health and Safety: Protecting Frontline Staff Amidst the Coronavirus Threats

Businesses in various industries and different parts of the world have suffered major financial losses because of the coronavirus pandemic. Several companies even end up closing down their business. In fact, 18 923 companies have stopped operating in Singapore alone. Fortunately, thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners in the country continue implementing strategies to prevent closure. If you own a business and are also planning to continue operating despite the Covid-19 threats, you need to build an effective continuity plan for your company.

Some people focus too much on ensuring that their brands regain profitability amidst the global crisis. Thus, many companies focus on implementing competitive marketing strategies and other tactics that allow them to generate more income. Doing this is recommended so the business can recover from the losses they experienced for the past months. However, several other essential tactics need to be prioritized. If you want to continue achieving success in your business, it’s best to ensure that you prioritize health and safety in the workplace.

Protecting Frontline Staff Amidst the Pandemic

Keep in mind that prioritizing employees’ health and safety is a must, regardless of the situation. However, you need to pay more attention to taking care of your staff now that the coronavirus threat is prevalent in the community. Thus, you need to ensure that you practice strict health protocols in the workplace. You need to ensure that everyone remains safe and healthy, especially your frontline staff.

Frontline workers in businesses refer to employees who regularly interact with clients, business partners, and other key persons. This includes sales agents, customer support, marketing agents, drivers, delivery men, etc. These people are often exposed to risks of getting the disease, so you need to implement countermeasures to reduce their risk of getting the virus. The following can help you address this dilemma:

  • Put yourself in their shoes—Instead of building strategies based on theories and assumptions, consider immersing yourself in your staff’s environment. This means you have to find out your staff’s daily activities and note the challenges they are facing. Even Neo Kian Hong, the SMRT CEO, took time to check how the public transportation service staff perform their jobs. He also made sure to note the changes that need to be implemented to improve commuter’s safety. Following the same tactics will help you get a glimpse of what specific factors need to be changed, stopped, or improved in the workplace.
  • Train employees for new company protocols—Most people are already educated about the preventive actions that you can do to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the community. It may be safe to assume that your employees already know what to do to follow health protocols. However, it’s still best to provide proper training in your company. Ensure that you provide clear instructions, especially when they need to interact with people.
  • Post regular reminders about proper protocol—Aside from training and seminars, ensure that you continue posting and sending emails about proper protocol. Ensure that everyone complies with new company protocols, especially when wearing masks, physical distancing, and disinfection. Frontline workers may accidentally grow complacent over time, so ensure that you remind them of the importance of health protocols as often as you can.
  • Invest in professional cleaning disinfection services—You need to ensure that your workplace, as well as business tools and equipment, remain safe for use. Consider hiring professional cleaners to provide you with deep cleaning and disinfection services. These experts are trained to get rid of possible virus exposures.
  • Remind clients about changes in your business—Assist your employees implement health protocols by reminding customers about certain rules and restrictions. For instance, if you don’t accept walk-ins, ensure that people know where or how to make orders, bookings, or reservations.

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There are several other tactics that you can perform to improve health and safety in the workplace. However, if you need a basic idea of the best practices in prioritizing your employees’ well-being, you can refer to the abovementioned tips. Keep in mind that these can help guide you towards developing better and safer ways to operate your business. If you continue protecting your staff from the threats of the virus, you can reduce the risks that the disease may cause to your business. The key is to stay vigilant and continuously explore new and better ways to ensure your company safely recovers from the negative impacts of the coronavirus pandemic.

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