converted business place

Turning Your Business Establishment Into a Quarantine Facility: Things to Do

The pandemic continues to make people suffer. Just as we thought that everything starts to trend for the better as vaccines roll out, the world gets hit with a second wave. The COVID-19 surge is currently making India suffer, setting all-time highs for recorded active cases. The Philippines, however, is not far from the situation.   While it might not have the same population as India, the people of the Philippines continue to suffer as the active cases per day surpass the rate when the first wave hit the country. People have to work together to get through the rough time. Private businesses are trying to help out in any way they can, and you can become part of the effort. One of the things you can do is turn your business establishment into a quarantine facility.   Here’s what you can do to make it happen:

Secure the Equipment and Supplies

It can be challenging to turn your establishment into a quarantine facility. You will have a lot of electronic devices and office supplies scattered all around the area. The lockdown prevents you from using the facilities, making it a waste of space. Fortunately, you can let your remote employees borrow your electronic devices to utilize them.

But it does not mean that it is suitable for a quarantine facility. Clear the space to ensure that no safety hazards once patients start to arrive. Loose wires and built-in furniture might provide challenges for patients arriving at your establishment. It will also be necessary to secure the equipment and supplies for the makeshift quarantine facility. You might have to partner with a medical institution to procure the items. Many patients are struggling because of fully-booked hospitals, which means your effort is a significant contribution to the fight against the virus.

Gather the Personnel

Creating a quarantine facility means you will be hosting a lot of patients. The personnel that your medical institution partner might not provide enough staff to attend to the people in need. The doctors and nurses will be coming and going because of their responsibilities, but it does not mean that you should not have people available.

While it is essential to avoid contact with COVID-19 patients, you must have a few people keeping watch of the medical supplies, food, and waste collection inside the facility. You will be fortunate enough to gather a few volunteers and local community leaders to help strengthen your cause. However, you should avoid risking their health, making it critical to secure PPEs and establish social distancing protocols in the quarantine facility. Your primary goal will be to maintain a safe and secure environment for the patients as they await a hospital room. Still, you have to prioritize those who are risking their lives to help others.

Create Isolation Areas

The most important part of the quarantine facilities is the beds. Patients will experience serious health complications, forcing them to rest as much as they can. However, every cough and breath they produce will endanger the people around them. Visiting relatives, as limited as they are, might catch the virus. Isolation areas will be necessary, but you might not be maximizing the space if you put up walls.

Fortunately, you can buy high-quality evacuation modular tents to set enclosed spaces with thin barriers. Those with locked entry points can serve as storage spaces for food, clothing, and other donations. The isolation areas will be the most vital part of the quarantine facility. If you do not have enough in your budget to set up the tents, you can partner with your medical institution or professional connections.

Wearing PPE

Partner with Local Government Unit

Quarantine facilities aim to provide a waiting dock for fully-booked hospitals. Patients wait outside the establishment and under the heat until a hospital room opens up. Quarantine facilities will offer them space to keep their loved ones at home safe while ensuring that they are getting maximum assistance.

However, you will still need transportation services to ensure efficiency. Hospital ambulances might not be enough to manage the cause, making it essential to partner with the local government unit. They can provide your quarantine facility with enough resources and personnel to ensure that you give patients whatever they need. Logistics will be critical as a matter of seconds could become the difference in saving a life. The LGUs will provide you with the assistance you need to rescue patients.

Your business establishment, regardless of how much space it has, will be critical for quarantine facilities. The people of the Philippines desperately need help. Your efforts to create essential space for them will be priceless.

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