Being Earth-Friendly Inside Your Home Through Smart Interior Design

Are you looking for a sustainable way to do your part in conserving the environment? You do not have to do big things to be part of the solution. Start with the interior design of your home. This may seem like a small step, but millions of people taking small steps may lead to big change.

Experts from an interior design company in Singapore cite the following eco-friendly interior design ideas you can follow.

Purchase Furniture Made from Natural Materials

Plastic may be the cheapest material when it comes to purchasing furniture. However, if you want to take an eco-friendly approach to designing your home, choose products made from natural materials. Natural wood or sustainable organic materials are not only environment-friendly, but they are also fetching furniture choices. Antiques are also a good option for those that can afford the best ones. Look for pieces joined together by wood joinery; these do not require adhesives that contain VOC.

Use Natural Light as much as Possible

To reduce energy waste, use natural light as much as possible. Achieve this by installing wide windows that allow sunlight in during peak hours. Other options to consider are installing open shades or skylights. Daylight does not only reduce your expenses, but is also good for the environment because it prevents your house or condo unit from emitting pollutants.

Use Products with Low to No VOC Content

VOC (volatile organic compounds) has a negative effect on your health. Some products such as paint, furniture, household items, adhesives, air fresheners and others may contain VOC. This can accumulate indoors and may cause problems such as headaches, throat irritation, and itchy eyes and may be one of the factors that cause cancer and liver damage. Read the label and choose furniture and products that have low to no VOC.

Decorate Rooms with Plants

The simplest way to make your home’s interior design eco-friendly is decorate your rooms with plants. Plants filter the air and release oxygen they also provide a fresh and natural look to your interior design. A plant brings life to an otherwise plain room. Its refreshing scent revitalizes those that live and visit your house. Put them in pots, hang them overhead or have a small indoor garden.

Environment-Friendly Wall Coverings

Interior design

If you want to stylise your walls, use coverings that do not emit substances that harm your health. Wallpapers come in various designs, colours and types choose one that blends well with your overall interior design. Some alternatives include wood panels or ceramic tiles; these are more expensive but are beautiful as well.

Stone or Wood Flooring

Other than the walls, you might also want to work on your home’s flooring to improve its eco-friendliness. Marble is a type of stone flooring that looks elegant and beautiful. Another option is to install wooden parquet because of its natural appearance.

These are just some of the ways to improve the sustainability and environment-friendliness of your home. Implement some of these concepts and identify which ones blend well with your interior design.


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