man and woman

Increasing Your Home’s Value: Tips to Consider

Homeowners who have their properties listed have different reasons for selling their houses. Some reasons may be personal while others might be prompted by career changes. Others on the other hand might just be into house-flipping while some could just really use the money.

Whatever the reason is, a homeowner selling his or her property will get better deals when they make some inexpensive home improvements before having the house listed.

The expenses incurred in updating a house can rake in a good return for the homeowner, provided they make the right home improvement projects.

Here are some typical home improvement projects that most sellers take to increase their property’s value:

Give it a fresh coat of paint

The easiest way to give your house a new and updated look is to give it a new paint job. Some people prefer to have professional painters come in but painting a house by yourself isn’t that hard to do, especially if you know how to work a paintbrush and roller. It isn’t expensive as well as a gallon of paint only costs around $30. Whether you choose to DIY it or let the pros take over, giving your house a fresh coat of paint is sure to increase its market value.

Update your landscape and window sills

If you want to increase your chances of making a good sale, you need to invest in upgrading your home’s curb appeal by updating your landscape and adding some color to your window sills.

Spruce the garden up with some perennials and trim the hedges and trees. If you’re looking to sell your house at the soonest possible time, you can DIY your garden upgrade and save thousands of dollars compared to having professional landscapers do the job.

Get some flooring work done

According to Zillow, 26% of homeowners invest in flooring repairs or carpet replacements before selling. This might be a bit of a concern if your house has different types of flooring in all the rooms. If that’s the case, consider replacing the entire flooring for the entire house for a seamless and more unified look.

Upgrading to wood floors is preferable and can give you high returns but if it’s out of your budget, you can replace old carpets with new ones as one of your major selling points.

Update your kitchen and bathroom

Whatever happens, do not overlook your kitchen and bathrooms. These two are some of the main things that buyers take seriously when looking for a house.

For instance, installing custom-built cabinets could give your kitchen a much-needed updated look. If you cannot afford to have new installations done, at the very least give your kitchen and bathrooms a good cleaning before having the house listed. Take time to give it a thorough inspection to spot things that need to be fixed or replaced.

well-lit kitchen

Work on improving the lighting

Sometimes something as simple as replacing all the lights around the house can make a huge difference. It can significantly improve your property’s appearance even if you spent only a few dollars to replace busted bulbs.

You can also choose to change some or add more lighting fixtures such as sconces, pendant lights, and lamps. You don’t really need to spend thousands of dollars for lighting upgrades. You just need to figure out what works well for the property.

Pay attention to your finishes

Another simple yet inexpensive upgrade is to give your finishes an update. Hardware such as cabinet handles, doorknobs, hinges, faucets, switches, and other similar items can be easily replaced to give the house a brand-new feel. You can also replace or add crown molding to add some charm to your home.

Replace all the filters

One of the most practical home improvement tips you should seriously consider is to clean or replace all your filters.

Checking, cleaning, and replacing filters can be easily done with no professional help. Cleaning out the vents and replacing all the filters, including water filters, shows buyers that you value their health by ensuring that the air and water quality they will be getting in the house is safe for their whole family.

Now if you want to up the ante a bit, you may also replace all the filter covers all over the house.

Selling property can be tricky. Not all transactions turn out to be favorable for the sellers. Home improvement projects before selling, whether they’re purely for aesthetic reasons or functional, can help increase the property’s value. Whatever your reasons are for selling, giving your home an update before putting it on the market is a valuable investment.

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