Simple living room

Make Your Living Room Come ‘Alive’ with these Gorgeous Design Ideas

Many people consider the living room as the ‘heart and soul’ of the house. It is, after all, the most frequently visited and used space in the entire house. This is where you gather your guests, where you and your family members spend time together especially when they come to visit during special occasions.

Since it is also the most frequented part of the house, it is almost an unspoken rule for the living room to be ‘extravagantly beautiful.’ Or just simply neat and presentable. Either way, living rooms are the spaces in which you and your family spend the most time so it has to look and feel comfortable.

It is the place where you could bond and feel really at home. Designing living rooms, especially those with limited spaces require a lot of effort, but all you would really have to do is to learn to maximize it. From making a presentable, neat, and “welcoming” living room and at the same time comfortable, here are a few design ideas to help you out:

Pay Attention to the Floor: Set a Carpet

Just because the floor is rarely paid any attention to, doesn’t mean it’s any less important than any other parts of your living room. After all, people spend the majority of their time on it – walking, standing, jumping, or even sitting – so you might as well consider making it pretty.

People use shoes for the comfort of not walking bare feet, and then later consider its style. Think of carpets as the floor’s shoes! You could check out a carpet store in Utah for a variety of designs and textures that could fit your whole living room decor – both for style and comfort.

Carpets also make it easier for you to clean up dust since they would be compacted in one place.

Try Streamlining Shelves

You can go out-of-the-ordinary by experimenting with different decors – have you ever tried setting up a mini-library in your living room? Line up your books on the shelves and have the covers exposed by putting up the white pages stand out and arrange them accordingly.

This would refresh your storage as well as reveal a “monochromatic” palette and style to your living room. This experimental style is unusual, but completely worth it since it creates the illusion that the room is not overly crowded.

Fill up the shelves with books that you no longer use, or have stocked somewhere in your home to free some space!

Have Nature Be Close To You: Add Plants

Adding plants as decoration

Make use of nooks and corners of your living room and maximize their space by adding a little green into your home. Place indoor plants in these spaces that would go well with your living room’s atmosphere. Make sure that the plants that you will decide to get are tough plants that could live under harsher conditions – such as not being too exposed in the sunlight.

Also, do not forget to take care of these plants once you’ve set them up, and water them when needed. A wilting plant in the corners is certainly not a look you’d want for your room and is an extreme depiction of negligence.

Decorating your living room will not be too much of a struggle if you are guided with the basic ideas: to learn how to maximize your space, experimenting with unusual ideas, and more importantly, making sure that it is comfortable and relaxing!

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