
Home that is for sale

Check These Things Before Buying a New House

Finding the ideal location is just the start of the fight. The fun begins on the actual home shopping. Yes, that marble countertop is beautiful, and yes, that chandelier is such a scene stealer. Also, yes, that’s $4,000 for the

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Baby sleeping

The Looming Demise of Social Security

The Social Security system is bound to collapse. Longer life expectancy and low birth rates have created a system that is top heavy, like a Ponzi or pyramid scheme with no new members to sustain those at the top. Individual

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Factors that Determine High-Risk Drivers

Similar to any other business, insurance companies strive to give their clients the best service possible while at the same time ensuring to stay profitable. Therefore, in case of inevitable insurance payouts, companies will often charge high-risk drivers more. To

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Pointers for Single Parents When Buying a Home

Single parents can be highly commended for their capacity to single-handedly manage the financial burdens of raising their children. Admittedly, it’s not that easy to buy your own home if there’s only one breadwinner in the family. If you’re one

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Home that is for sale

Check These Things Before Buying a New House

Finding the ideal location is just the start of the fight. The fun begins on the actual home shopping. Yes, that marble countertop is beautiful, and yes, that chandelier is such a scene stealer. Also, yes, that’s $4,000 for the

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Baby sleeping

The Looming Demise of Social Security

The Social Security system is bound to collapse. Longer life expectancy and low birth rates have created a system that is top heavy, like a Ponzi or pyramid scheme with no new members to sustain those at the top. Individual

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Factors that Determine High-Risk Drivers

Similar to any other business, insurance companies strive to give their clients the best service possible while at the same time ensuring to stay profitable. Therefore, in case of inevitable insurance payouts, companies will often charge high-risk drivers more. To

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Pointers for Single Parents When Buying a Home

Single parents can be highly commended for their capacity to single-handedly manage the financial burdens of raising their children. Admittedly, it’s not that easy to buy your own home if there’s only one breadwinner in the family. If you’re one

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